Nigerians Consumed 74 billion Litres Of Fuel  In August

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Nigeria's daily consumption of petrol drops to 56m litres
The Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) on Monday disclosed that about 1,735,624,740 litres of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) also known as petrol was distributed nationwide in August.
This resulted in bringing the average daily supply of PMS in August to about 55.99 million litres.
This was contained in a statement signed by the General Manager, Corporate Services of PPPRA, Kimchi Apollo.
An analysis of the volume of PMS supplied nationwide in the month under review suggests a decrease of about 132,301,071 litres compared to the 1,867,925,811 litres supplied in July.
The PPPRA report further showed that in the month under review, the total truck-out volume for PMS was 1.79 billion litres. Therefore, the average truck-out volume of PMS was 57.58 million litres per day.
The data also showed that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) imported 100% of PMS distributed that month. In addition, the PPPRA report showed that the country had an average PMS days sufficiency of 33 days.
It is important to note that the decline in the volume of PMS supplied in the month of August does not in any way translate to product scarcity.
“The PPPRA will continue to monitor and advise relevant stakeholders to ensure continued product availability”, Apollo stated.
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