ASCSN Didn’t Siphon $1bn, Scribe Says

Mohammed Shosanya

The Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria,has faulted allegations that over $1billion (one billion dollars) of the union’s funds had been embezzled

It described such allegations as baseless, frivolous and false,enjoining members of the association in the country and the general public to ignore same.

The ASCSN Secretary-General,Comrade Joshua Apebo,conveyed this in a press statement made available to Premium News.

“How much did the Union generate as check-off dues between 2012-2022 when Comrade Alade Bashir Lawal was the Secretary-General that he embezzled $1billion”,he queried.

According to him, it is only in Nigeria that a faceless group like the so-called Nigerian Anti-Corruption Defenders Network could make such unfounded
allegation to impugn the character of innocent citizens and get away with it.

There had been various publications detailing Nigerians owning properties in Dubai, United Aarab Emirates and Comrade Lawal name never featured in any of them,he said.

He said:”Besides,how can it really be expected that Comrade Lawal, an accomplished economist and expert investor who started his career in the Nigeria Railways in the 1980s, had a distinguished career in the civil service to wit: National Bureau of Statistics before he joined the Association and ultimately became the SecretaryGeneral in 2012 not have a roof over his head in Lagos?

“Certainly, there must be a limit to irrationality on the part of those bent on destroying the Association because of their inordinate ambition, greed and

He regretted that since Bola-Audu Innocent was asked by the Union
to step aside following his arrest and detention by the National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) on 22nd February, 2021for alleged case of human trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable persons, he has vowed to destroy the Union.

He added:”Since then, he had written countless petitions to EFCC, ICPC, etc, accusing the leadership of the Union of all manner of false allegations including the sale of the union’s property in Abuja, all of which were found to be false by the anti-graft operatives.

“It is, therefore, unfortunate that Bola-Audu has resumed another round of the same allegations he earlier made in 2021 and sent to the same anti-graft agencies”

Caution Bola-Audu,ASCSN Tells Police

Mohammed Shosanya

The Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN),has urged the security agencies to caution one Bola-Audu and his thugs against further attacks on its properties.

The development,the union said,was necessary to ensure that he desists forthwith from resorting to self-help and taking the laws into his hands.

The union said Bola-Audu and his thugs invaded its office at Area 7 at the Federal Capital Territory, in Abuja on Wednesday.

In a press statement issued in Lagos the ASCSN Secretary-General,Comrade Joshua Apebo, stated that a detachment of Police in Abuja was taking steps to clear the office of hoodlums.

It will be recalled that on 9th July, 2024, the National Industrial Court of Nigeria (NICN), Abuja while delivering judgment in Suit No.NICN/ABJ/214/2022
held that Bola-Audu should complete his tenure by 29th July, 2024 having been elected as the National President of the Union on 29th July, 2020.

Following this development, the Union filed an appeal at the Court of Appeal, Abuja in Suit No. CA/ABJ/CV/780/2024.

“Now, instead of following due legal process and allow judgment to be
delivered in the case at the Court of Appeal, Abuja, Bola-Audu has again elected to engage thugs to invade the Annex offices of the union in Abuja.

“This is unacceptable because Nigeria is not a jungle but a society governed by law,” the union emphasized in the statement.

On Monday, 22nd February 2021, the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) arrested and detained BolaAudu Innocent for alleged case of human trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable persons.

The union later resolved that given the enormity of the case and to save the image of the Association and protect his job that Bola-Audu should step aside so that informal channels could be explored by the National Leadership of the Association with the authorities to give him soft landing.

Instead of abiding by this wise counsel, Bola-Audu elected to recruit thugs and on 7th May, 2021 invaded the ASCSN Annex office in Abuja as well as the headquarters of the Union on 5th August, 2022 and again on 22nd August, 2022,the statement said.

Count Us Out Of Hardship Protest-TUC

Mohammed Shosanya

The Trade Union Congress has faulted insinuations that it is mobilising to join the proposed protest against hardship in the country.

It said it has advised the Tinubu led administration how to wriggle out of the current economic challenges.

The union,however,insisted that the police and other security agencies must not intimidate those interested in protesting as it was their civic rights to do so.

President of the TUC, Comrade Festus Osifo gave the clarification on Thursday, while addressing the media on state of the nation.

According to him,nobody has contacted the union to secure partnership in a protest, hence that was not supposed to mean that Nigerians cannot protest if they wish to do so. So it is the duty of the police and all security personnel to protect them.

Tinubu Approves N70,000 Minimum Wage For Nigerian Workers

Babatunde Solanke

President Bola Tinubu has approved N70,000 minimum wage for Nigerian workers,with a vow to review the national minimum wage law every three years.

Mohammed Idris, Minister of Information,who announced this at the Presidential Villa in Abuja, on Thursday, disclosed that the president made the announcement at a meeting with leaders of the organised labour.

He also said President Tinubu would perfect the proposal on the new minimum wage in a bill to be forwarded to the National Assembly next week.

He added:“We’re happy to announce today that both the federal government and Organised Labour have agreed on an increase on the N62,000.

“The new national minimum wage that we expect to be submitted to the National Assembly for legislation is N70,000.

“But that is not all. Mr President has assured of massive investment in infrastructure. There is also a deepening of the investment of the Federal Government in renewable energy”.

According to him,to complement the new minimum wage, the Federal Government would ramp up the rollout of Compressed Natural Gas-powered buses in order to check the high cost of transportation.

He said that efforts were also being made to improve the economy and reduce inflation, including the recent directive on the suspension of duty on certain food imports to bring down the prices of food items.

Speaking,Hon. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, Minister of State for Labour, said that the issue of minimum wage was not that of the law and not who was right, or who would blink first.

She added:“He said that he is our father, like he has always said. That, first and foremost, the review of this minimum wage policy has to be reduced to three years, that five years is too long a time to get any minimum wage review.

“And of course, that Labour should look at the indices of the economy and accept N70,000, minimum wage”

Minimum Wage: Activist Ishowo Charges Tinubu,Labour On Fair Deal For Workers

Mohammed Shosanya

A Kwara-based activist and public affairs analyst, Comrade Ishowo Olanrewaju, has urged the federal government, labour unions and other stakeholders to finalise negotiations and reach agreement for a fair and sustainable wage that reflects the country’s current economic reality.

Ishowo,who made the call through opinion piece he released on Thursday morning, said it was disturbing that more than a year after fuel subsidy removal and promise of improved wages, the Tinubu-led government was yet to begin implementation of a new minimum wage for Nigerian workers, who he said continue to bear the brunt of the economic policies of the present administration.

He, however, described as a positive development the decision of Tinubu to seek the approval of the National Assembly to increase the 2024 budget by N6.2tn to accommodate the new minimum wage.

According to him, the president’s move reflects not only his understanding of the pressing needs of the labour force but also his dedication to ensuring a fair and just economic environment for all Nigerians.

While lauding the president’s commitment to workers’ welfare, Ishowo urged the federal government to strike a balance between labour demands and its capacity, stressing that “balance is crucial to avoid overburdening the government’s resources while still meeting the legitimate expectations of the workers.”

He also called on governors to embrace Tinubu’s initiative by revising their respective states’ 2024 budgets to capture the new minimum wage, so as to ensure uniformity and effectiveness nationwide.

“The federal government’s initiative must be mirrored at the state level to ensure uniformity and effectiveness. We urge all state governors, led by Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, to also go back to their respective Houses of Assembly to revise their 2024 budgets. It is crucial that the new minimum wage is captured in these revisions and that the payment starts as soon as the National Assembly approves the new wage bill. This collective effort will demonstrate a unified commitment to improving the living standards of Nigerian workers nationwide,” Ishowo said.

Continuing, the activist lamented that “it is alarming to observe that some governors have colluded with the National Assembly to avoid reviewing Section 34 of the Constitution, which empowers NASS to make laws regarding the national minimum wage.

“Decentralizing this power would constitute a sabotage by the NASS, as many governors are not even willing to review the current wage. This law, which enables their indifferent stance, undermines our democratic system and the welfare of workers. It is crucial to condemn these actions, as allowing governors to determine the minimum wage individually could lead to gross inconsistencies and exploitation across different states.

“The National Assembly holds significant power in this process. It is essential that NASS members act with the fear of God and genuine sympathy for the masses they represent. The responsibility lies with them to ensure that the new minimum wage is not only passed but that it is a living wage.

“The proposed ₦62,000, while an improvement, is still meagre and may not withstand the economic pressures faced by many Nigerians. The NASS has the authority to review and amend the amount proposed by the executive and they should use this opportunity to advocate for a wage that truly meets the needs of the people.”

Ishowo appealed to the national lawmakers, especially those representing his Constituency at the National Assembly, Senator Saliu Mustapha and Honorable Mukhtar Shagaya to resist any attempt at sabotage in the National Assembly and ensure the integrity of the national minimum wage is preserved.

“In light of these concerns, I appeal to Senator Saliu Mustapha representing Kwara Central and Honorable Mukhtar representing Ilorin West in the Senate and House of Representatives respectively, to resist any attempts at NASS sabotage. They must ensure that the integrity of the national minimum wage is preserved and that it remains a federal mandate, ensuring uniformity and fairness for all Nigerian workers. Their proactive stance will be crucial in safeguarding the rights and well-being of their constituents and the nation at large,” he submitted.

ASCSN Faults Bola-Audu’s Forceful  Attempt To Return As President

Mohammed Shosanya

The Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN),has rejected the recent National Industrial Court of Nigeria (NICN) judgement reinstating Mr Innocent Bola-Audu as the President of the union.

Dr Tommy Okon,ASCSN President,who said this while addressing newsmen on Tuesday in Abuja,explained the appeal and stay of execution obtained from the Appeal Court prevents Bola-Audu from taking over the leadership of the union.

The union had earlier filed an appeal and stay of execution from the Court of Appeal to restrain Bola-Audu from taking over the helm of affairs of the Union.

According to Okon,the leadership and members and the organs of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria decided as its fundamental rights, to appeal the judgement and also apply for stay of execution.

He added:”By virtue of that, it therefore means that Innocent Bola-Audu has not been reinstated because of our appeal and stay of execution.

“We are also aware of the clandestine move to take laws into his hands by threatening to reinstate himself either at night or day with some hoodlums.

“It is proper to put on record that Nigeria is not a banana republic where you have the certified copy of the true ruling and you feel that is execution order.

“You are aware that appeal is our fundamental right and for you to execute the court judgement you must have the certificate of judgement and it has to be through the sheriff of the court but not an individual in court,”he said.

He implored security agencies of government to take note that ASCN as a union was law abiding organization,adding that it decided to go for an appeal of the judgement to create peaceful environment.

“Any attempt by individuals or group of individuals that attempt or attempted to try to bring crisis into the union, we are not going to fold our arms and look at it.

“This is a clarion call for government to take note of the character, of the person with emphasis, that Bola Innocent Audu has not been reinstated.

“He can spread the certified true copy of the said judgement but that is not a guarantee that he has taken over,”he said.

We’ll Deliver Our Mandate With Effective,Professional Workforce-NDDC Boss

Mohammed Shosanya

The Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, Dr Samuel Ogbuku,has emphasized the import of an effective and professional workforce duly equipped with skills and well-motivated by sustainable wages to drive the Commission’s efforts to deliver on its mandate.

He stated this during a two-day workshop on Wage Administration, Policies Implementation and Revenue generation in Public Agencies, organised for executive management, Directors, salary related desk officers and staff union executives of the Niger Delta Development Commission in Port Harcourt.

Seledi Thompson-Wakama
Director, Corporate Affairs,quoted the NDDC boss,as noting in a statement that an effective work behavior could only be achieved through motivation of staff that are critical components of governance.

He maintained that since inception of the present NDDC board, the Commission had not relented in giving priority to its staff in line with its mantra of transition from transaction to transformation.

To ensure a good condition of service and conducive working environment which would in turn serve as catalyst for high level productivity, Ogbuku said the NDDC was collaborating with institutions that had the requisite expertise in wage administration, policies implementation and revenue generation.

He added: “While we are determined to give staff a very good remuneration package and conditions of service, we are also conscious of the needs of other stakeholders of the region.
There is therefore the need to strike a delicate balance in ensuring that both the needs of stakeholders including staff are met.”.

Speaking,the NDDC Executive Director, Finance and Administration, Alabo Boma Iyaye, said that the theme of the workshop was timely and critical, “as the Commission confront the challenges of attracting, retaining, and motivating top talent in today’s fast-paced business landscape.”

He stated: “Wage administration is a make-or-break issue for organisations. It’s a delicate balancing act between compensating employees fairly and maintaining financial sustainability. But we can’t afford to get it wrong. Effective wage management is the key to unlocking employee satisfaction, productivity, and ultimately, organizational success.”

He implored the staff to see the workshop as a valuable learning experience which required their active participation.

In his presentation,the Chairman National Salaries,Wages and Incomes Commission, NSIWC, Mr. Ekpo Nta who went down Memory Lane to trace the origin of NDDC, told staff that there is need for them to live up to expectations so that the agency will not fizzle away due to non-performance.

He challenged the participants not to allow personal interest override the vision of the organization *but* rather to add value to themselves and the agency.

He noted that achieving the goals of any organisation was tied to the efficiency of the workforce.

LG Autonomy:NLC Warns Against Sabotage Of Supreme Court Verdict

Mohammed Shosanya

The Nigeria Labour Congress,NLC has warned against sabotage of the implementation of Thursday’s Supreme verdict which gives full autonomy to local government areas in the country.

“We urge that all necessary measures be taken that this judgment is not sabotaged at the implementation stage”,Comrade Joe Ajaero,President of the labour group said in a statement,wherein he mentioned the conduct of elections at local governments.

According to him,the true freedom of local governments must also come from those who govern them.

He asked:”Should State Independent Electoral Commissionbe allowed to conduct ‘elections’ or should NEC take over (even as they are over-burdened and are not exactly the best example)? Should there be regulatory agency or commission with an oversight over SIECs? We will find the devil in the details through a stake-holder conversation?”

He reasoned that freedom of local governments will be nothing if those who will take charge, end up behaving badly like their predecessors in power.

He also emphasized the need for a self-purgation or a national rebirth as laws or court pronouncements alone may not be enough.

Commending the Supreme Court of Nigeria for restoring power to the Local Governments, Ajaero said the verdict directing that financial allocations be made directly to Local Governments as well as divesting state governments of power to remove local government executives is both courageous and salubrious.

He maintained that the Supreme Court through the landmark judgment has not only restored our democracy but possibly hope in the democracy.

He added:”Not a few believe the stunted national growth or development and the overwhelming surge in crimes and threats to our collective good is directly tied to the seizure and paralysis of local governments by state governments.

ASCSN Urges Calm As Union Appeals Court Ruling

Mohammed Shosanya

​The Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN),has implored its members to remain calm, resolute, steadfast and law-abiding as arrangement has been concluded to appeal the Judgment of the National Industrial Court in respect of the leadership of the Union.

Its scribe,Comrade Joshua Apebo,who conveyed this in a statement on Wednesday,emphasized that the ASCSN would ensure that justice was done on the matter.

​He recalled that on Monday, 22nd February 2021, the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) arrested and detained Bola-Audu Innocent for alleged case of human trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable persons.

According to him,​the union later resolved that given the enormity of the case and to save the image of the Association and protect his job that Bola-Audu should step aside so that informal channels could be explored by the National Leadership of the Association with the authorities to give him soft landing.

He added:”Instead of abiding by this wise counsel, Bola-Audu elected to recruit thugs to be invading the headquarters of the Association in Lagos and the Annex office in Abuja and also dragged the Union to Court in violation of the Constitution of the Association.

“​He also wrote letters to the banks of the union to put a lien on the bank accounts of the association to cripple its activities.​Against the background of these anti-union activities, the association expelled Bola-Audu from the body in line with the union’s constitution”.

He revealed that the office of the Accountant-General of the Federation also barred him from entering the Treasury House, Abuja,while the Federal Civil Service Commission also suspended him from service but he later smuggled himself back to the Civil Service.

National Minimum Wage Struggle Alive-TUC

Mohammed Shosanya

President of the Trade Union Congress, Festus Osifo,says the struggle for a new national minimum wage in the country is still alive.

Osifo,who disclosed this in Abuja on Tuesday,said the Federal Government is still discussing with all relevant stakeholders imcluding the Nigerian Governors Forum, Local Government Administrators as well as the Organised Private Sector and Labour Unions.

He noted that both unions still insists on the N250,000 demand it made to government which was part of the recommendations submitted to the President by the Presidential Tripartite Committee on new national minimum wage.

Osifo,who referred to the existing minimum wage of N30,000 which took two years to be negotiated,assured that the Tripartite Committee has made appreciable progress since January 2024 when negotiations started.

He added:”Minimum wage negotiations cannot be dead, you know when we started this conversation you asked us that in 2017 if you remember we started the minimum wage that was signed in 2019, it took about two years to see the light of day. We promised you when we started in January that we will ensure this one is fast tracked for us not to be in the conundrum that we were as at 2019 which took two years.

“So where we are today, we submitted the divergent position in June, when we did that you know clearly that Mr President came out to say that he wanted to consult across board which is the governors, local government chairmen, organised private sector and labour, so we are doing some level of reachout and conversations.

“So that let what will be submitted to the National Assembly will actually be a minimum wage that will cater for the poorest of the poor, so for the fact that in the media we are not shouting, we are doing some level of internal work so that this bill will be submitted in earnest soon. Ofcourse we still insist on the N250,000 benchmark as idea minimum wage”.