CHRICED Seeks Immediate Release Of FIJ Journalist,Daniel Ojukwu

Mohammed Shosanya

The Resource Centre for Human Rights and Civic Education,CHRICED,has implored police authorities to release immediately a journalist with the Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ), Daniel Ojukwu and to cease any further harassment of journalists in Nigeria.

Its Executive Director,Comrade Ibrahim M. Zikirullahi,who conveyed the development,also called on the Nigeria Police to respect the rights of journalists and to uphold the rule of law.

Journalists,he said,play a crucial role in a democratic society by providing information to the public and exposing corruption and wrongdoing,adding that it’s essential that they are able to carry out their work without fear of reprisal or harassment.

He said:” Freedom of the press is a fundamental right that must be protected in order to ensure transparency and accountability in governance. CHRICED stands in solidarity with all journalists who are facing threats and intimidation in the course of their work and will continue to advocate for their rights and safety”

He deplored the abduction and continued detention of Daniel Ojukwu, and amented that despite widespread public outcry, the Nigeria police have continued to hold Daniel Ojukwu for a week .

It is disconcerting that Mr. Mulyiwa Adejobi, the police spokesperson, cited an ongoing investigation based on a petition without disclosing the identity of the petitioner,he said.

He said:”This situation evokes memories of past military authoritarian regimes, signalling a perilous descent towards a fully-fledged dictatorship under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, wherein security agencies prioritize the interests of the politically powerful and influential.

“CHRICED strongly denounces the inappropriate use of security forces, which are supported by public funds, to harass citizens, especially journalists who are carrying out their responsibilities by covering governance matters. Thanks to the brave, patriotic, and fearless investigative reporting done by the Foundation for Investigative Journalism (FIJ), the entire nation and even the global community became aware of the widespread corruption within the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS). In a more just society, FIJ would be commended by the government for uncovering corruption. Regrettably, the reality is quite the opposite.

“CHRICED upholds the values of justice, truth, liberty, rule of law, and human rights for all, especially marginalized groups, as essential for a peaceful and prosperous society. Any attack on democracy, free speech, and diverse voices undermines the foundation of a democratic system, as seen in the unjust abduction and harassment of the FIJ journalist”.

NUJ, NAS Seek Release Of Detained Journalist

Mohammed Shosanya

The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Oyo State Council, and the National Association of Seadogs (NAS), Jolly Rogers Deck, have sought the release of Mubarak Bala, who has been detained for four years without trial.

This plea was conveyed on Monday during a courtesy visit by NAS to the union in observance of Year 2024 World Press Freedom Day.

The NAS delegation, led by its Capoon, Mr. Olufemi Adesope,was welcomed at the NUJ press center by the NUJ Chairman, Comrade Ademola Babalola, and other executive members.

Adesope said that the 72-year-old association, also known as the Pyrate Confraternity, was founded at the University College Ibadan to advocate for a society where peace and justice prevail.

He emphasised the association’s commitment to advancing UN development goals, including quality education, healthcare, strong institutions, and sustainable peace.

Adesope underscored the symbiotic relationship between the association and the press, acknowledging the media’s crucial role in fostering peace.

He praised the intellectual depth within the association and its dedication to providing solutions to the nation’s challenges.

Adesope reaffirmed the association’s commitment to collaboration with the press for the realization of a more just society.

He appealed to NUJ to join efforts in securing the release of Bala Mubarak, the detained president of the Humanist Association.

Replying,Babalola expressed gratitude for the visit and assured to positively looked into the collaboration between the body and the NUJ.

He commended NAS’s developmental initiatives, countering misconceptions about the association’s objectives.

Babalola encouraged NAS to persist in its endeavours towards a fairer society, pledging ongoing collaboration from NUJ.

He joined NAS to re-echo the call for Bala Mubarak’s release, emphasising the importance of the rule of law and sanctity of detainee’s human rights.

Groups Seek Governments  Protection Of Media Freedom

Mohammed Shosanya

Four human rights and media support organizations have called on Federal and State Governments to take urgent measures to ensure media freedom and the safety of journalists in Nigeria, saying the deteriorating state of media freedom in country is potentially harmful to its system of democratic governance.

They conveyed their call in a statement announcing their collaborative activities to commemorate the 2024 edition of World Press Freedom Day (WPFD 2024) through separate events taking place in Lagos and Abuja on Friday, May 3.

According to the statement,Media Rights Agenda (MRA) and Global Rights: Advocates for Sustainable Justice, in collaboration with the International Press Centre (IPC) and the Centre for Media and Society (CEMESO), will hold a hybrid convening in Lagos under the theme: “The Imperative of Media Freedom for Democratic Governance”, to underscore the vital role that the media play in promoting transparency, accountability, good governance, and democracy.

The event will have media stakeholders drawn from among journalists and editors, media owners and managers, civil society organizations, the academia, and others participating physically and virtually and will include activities such as sharing of experiences by journalists who have faced various forms of attacks, a presentation on the importance of counselling for journalists who have been victims of attacks, as well as presentations on various civil society efforts to ensure the safety of journalists and protect media freedom, which are designed to strengthen the media as they strive to promote democracy, human rights, and social justice.

A separate event will be hosted in Abuja by Global Rights in collaboration with MRA and the International Centre for Investigative Reporting (ICIR). The event will be a Webinar titled “Freedom of the Press in Peril – Raising the Bar for Press Freedom in Nigeria”, which is aimed at sparking a conversation on how to safeguard press freedoms in Africa and how the operational environment for the press can be improved in Nigeria and across the continent.

The event will identify global best practices that create a conducive and enabling environment for the press and share experiences of how they can be domesticated in a way that makes them more easily accessible to journalists and other media professionals in Nigeria.

Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, World Press Freedom Day is celebrated around the world on May 3 every year as a reminder to governments of the need for them to respect their commitment to press freedom and create a safe and conducive environment for journalism and media practice.

Speaking on the collaborative efforts by the various organizations, Mr. Edetaen Ojo, Executive Director of MRA, said: “As the world celebrates World Press Freedom Day on May 3, we wish to reaffirm our commitment to upholding the fundamental principles of free speech, independent journalism, and the protection of press freedoms worldwide knowing that a free and independent media is the oxygen of democracy. We are determined to work with like-minded individuals and organizations towards the emergence of an environment where media professionals can carry out their professional functions without fear or intimidation and where the media can realize its true purpose.”

According to Mr. Lanre Arogundade, Director of IPC, “We recognize the challenges facing journalists and media professionals across the country, including censorship, intimidation, violence, and online harassment. In the face of these threats and attacks, we commend the resilience and courage of journalists who continue to pursue the truth, often at great personal risk. We also promise that we shall continue to render whatever support we can to ensure that the atmosphere is made conducive for them to ply their trade.”

Dr. Akin Akingbulu, Executive Director of CEMESO, said: “We take the opportunity of this important occasion to once again call on governments, civil society organizations, and individuals everywhere to join us in defending press freedom, protecting journalists, and ensuring that information remains a public good accessible to all. Together, let us stand united in support of press freedom and the fundamental principles of democracy.”

NLNG Trains Women Journalists

Mohammed Shosanya

Nigeria LNG Limited concluded another edition in the series of #NLNGChangeYourStory workshops,focusing on arming women journalists with cutting-edge digital communication and social media skills for reporting gender-based issues.

The annual capacity-building workshop, themed Gender Active, convened women journalists from diverse editorial sections and Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) members in Lagos.

The workshop, sponsored by NLNG, focused on mobile and multimedia journalism, providing participants with a comprehensive learning experience.

Speaking,Mr. Andy Odeh, NLNG’s General Manager, External Relations and Sustainable Development, emphasised that the focus on gender-related journalism aligns with NLNG’s commitment to Diversity, Equality, and Inclusiveness, both within and outside the organisation.

He highlighted the crucial role of women journalists in shaping narratives and influencing public opinion for a better Nigeria.

“Our dedication to capacity building stems from the belief in the immense potential of women journalists. Recognising their pivotal role in shaping narratives, influencing public opinion, and contributing to sustainable development goals, we empower them with essential skills to reshape their stories and, consequently, mould the stories of our nation,” said Mr. Odeh.

He emphasised the workshop’s significance in empowering women journalists with essential skills in the dynamic landscape of digital communication and social media, stating that the #NLNGChangeYourStory workshop, initiated in 2015, reflects NLNG’s vision of embracing new technologies and platforms to articulate narratives that resonate in the fast-paced digital age.

Mr. Odeh added that the workshop manifested NLNG’s belief that stakeholders are integral contributors to the Company’s journey towards greater heights.

Speaking at the event, the National Chairperson of NAWOJ, Aisha Bura Ibrahim, represented by the association’s National Deputy Chairperson, Lilian Okonkwo-Ogabu, stated that women journalists need to be positioned for the future in reporting the realiites of women and children, especially the girl-child, in Nigeria.

She commended NLNG for supporting the women with digital communication skills that will bring them to par with contemporaries around the world.

Poor Funding Will Frustrate Effective Implementation Of FOI Act-MRA

Mohammed Shosanya

The Media Rights Agenda (MRA) today expressed deep concern over the poor level of funding in the Federal Government’s 2024 budget for the implementation of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and FOI-related activities by public institutions.

It said the situation signals the government’s lack of commitment to make the Law effective.

Announcing the release of its 18-page report titled “A Vote Against Transparency: A Report on Allocations for Freedom of Information Implementation in 2024 Federal Budget”,the group implored the Federal Government to demonstrate an absolute commitment to the full and effective implementation of the FOI Act by allocating the appropriate resources required for this purpose.

According to MRA, its analysis of the 2024 Federal Government budget proposal showed that out of at least 1,316 Federal public institutions, only 10 made specific allocations for FOI implementation or other FOI-related activities in their proposals, describing the situation as an indication that the FOI Act is likely to experience another year of extremely poor performance in its implementation by government institutions and authorities.

It noted that the situation in the 2024 budget is only slightly better than what was recorded in the 2023 budget in which only nine Federal ministries, departments and agencies made specific allocations for FOI-related activities and implementation in their budget proposals.

The 10 public institutions with allocations for FOI-related expenditure in their 2024 budgets are: the National Directorate of Employment, Federal Ministry of Works, Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, Federal Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Ministry of Environment, Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment, Nigerian Law Reform Commission, National Library of Nigeria, and the National Commission for Colleges of Education Secretariat.

The Federal Ministry of Works has the highest budgetary allocation for FOI implementation with a total of N39,280,000.00, while the Nigerian Law Reform Commission had the second highest allocation with a proposal to spend N15,634,545 on FOI-related activities.

MRA’s Communications Officer, Mr. Idowu Adewale, observed in the organization’s statement that a crucial consideration in ensuring the effectiveness of an FOI Law is making provisions in the budget for its implementation as this helps to ensure that the resources required to successfully implement the Law are made available.

He said:“Without adequate investment in the implementation of the Law in order to ensure that the government is transparent and accountable, all other allocations and expenditures for infrastructure, facilities or other development projects would be at risk and could easily be misappropriated.”

Mr. Adewale argued that :“The long-term benefits which the effective implementation of the FOI Act can bring to the country and its democratic process, include enhancing government transparency, efficiency and responsiveness; engendering greater public participation in governance, improving public trust and confidence in government, ensuring that members of the public have accurate and reliable information about how they are governed, and contributing to the emergence of a knowledge society”, adding that these are adequate justification for the investments required to make the Act effective.

He said it was curious that although the last report by Mr. Abubakar Malami (SAN), then Attorney-General of the Federation, which was issued on March 27, 2023, identified “inadequate or non-financial provisions to fund FOI Act activities” and a “general lack of funding for FOI activities in some public institutions” as some of the challenges impeding the effective implementation of the FOI Act, there were no concrete measures taken by the Federal Government to address the problem.

Mr. Adewale identified the absence of any specific allocation for FOI-related activities in the budget of the Federal Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Attorney-General of the Federation, as a significant concern, given the dual status of the Ministry as a public institution to which the FOI Act applies and as the body with oversight responsibility for the implementation of the Law.

Saying its funding and budgets ought to clearly reflect its dual roles and should be adequate to enable it to meet its duties and obligations with respect to each of the roles, he called on the Federal Government to provide proper guidance for public institutions on some of the considerations and steps that they need to take into account in allocating resources for FOI implementation and in ensuring that the resources are adequate.

Mr. Adewale urged the Federal Government to direct its ministries, departments and agencies to ensure that in preparing their budget proposals for subsequent fiscal years, they make provisions in the budgets to enable them carry out the full range of duties and obligations that they have under the FOI Act and also prescribe a minimum level of resources which every public institution should allocate to the implementation of the Act in order to ensure that they are fully implementing the Law and complying with its provisions.

MRA Tasks President Tinubu On Protection Of Journalists

Mohammed Shosanya

Media Rights Agenda (MRA) has implored President Bola Tinubu to ensure the safety of journalists in Nigeria and bring an end to impunity for crimes against journalists by ensuring that Government officials and non-state actors who attack journalists are appropriately punished in accordance with the law.

Its Executive Director, Mr. Edetaen Ojo, said: “On the occasion of this year’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, we remain extremely concerned that in spite of numerous and frequently recurring cases of attacks against journalists in Nigeria, with at least 19 journalists killed over the years, no one has ever been charged with any crime for such attacks or punished for such offenses, with the result that Nigeria appears to be suggesting that attacking or killing journalists is acceptable and will attract no consequences.”

It noted that it is now 10 years since the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed November 2 of every year as the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists by Resolution 68/163 on “The safety of journalists and the issue of impunity”, which it adopted on December 18, 2013 at its 68th session.

The organisation explained that in the resolution, the UN General Assembly urged all Member States, including Nigeria, “to do their utmost to prevent violence against journalists and media workers, to ensure accountability through the conduct of impartial, speedy and effective investigations into all alleged violence against journalists and media workers falling within their jurisdiction and to bring the perpetrators of such crimes to justice and ensure that victims have access to appropriate remedies.”

It noted that the General Assembly also called upon States to promote a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without undue interference, including by means of legislative measures; awareness-raising in the judiciary and among law enforcement officers and military personnel, as well as among journalists and in civil society, regarding international human rights and humanitarian law obligations and commitments relating to the safety of journalists; the monitoring and reporting of attacks against journalists; publicly condemning attacks; and dedicating the resources necessary to investigate and prosecute such attacks.

It regretted that over the last 10 years, the Federal Government had not taken any discernible measure towards fulfilling any single one of these requirements, even as attacks against journalists and other media workers have continued unabated and with impunity, including the repeated occurrence of some of the specific acts condemned by the resolution, such as torture, extrajudicial killings, physical violence against journalists, arbitrary detention, intimidation and harassment, among others.

Mr. Ojo said: “Under the current administration, the need to put in place mechanisms to ensure the safety of journalists ought not to be a difficult case to make. As a media owner, President Tinubu must certainly be personally aware of the important role that the media play in ensuring an informed citizenry and the emergence of a knowledgeable society, in providing members of the public with critical information that they require to make important decisions in their lives and in upholding the responsibility and accountability of the government to the people as well as the fact that the work of journalists often puts them at risk of intimidation, harassment and violence.”

According to him, “It is our hope that being better informed about these issues than his predecessors in office, the President will direct the relevant officials and agencies in his Administration to take necessary steps and work with other media stakeholders, including media professional bodies and civil society organizations, to establish a national mechanism for ensuring the safety of journalists and ending impunity for crimes against journalists.”

CISLAC Trains Journalists On Anti-Graft Reporting In Defence Sector

Mohammed Shosanya

The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC),has trained journalists on effective reporting in the defence and security sector.

Senior Programme Person, Peace and Security CISLAC, Bertha Ogbimi during a one-day Media Dialogue on “Effective Oversight and Defence Anti Corruption Reportage” in Abuja, noted that the workshop is aimed at empowering journalists to effectively oversight the defence sector by asking the right questions to inform the public.

She explained that the workshop was also to know how to seek accountability and transparency in the sector where they fell short of best practices.

Ogbimi maintained that specialization would enable journalists to focus on specific aspects of the security sector, thereby enhancing their ability to uncover crucial information and hold relevant authorities accountable.

According to her, “Nigeria is bedevilled by multi dimensional security challenges and because of these, a lot of allocations have been launched into the defence and security sector.

”One would expect that normally, with the amount of monies being channelled to the defence and security sector, the issues pertaining to insecurity would have been addressed.

“However, unfortunately, we see an upsurge in these challenges. As a matter of fact, a particular area called conflict entrepreneurship is booming.

“So you begin to wonder, why are we getting a counter reaction when we are putting in so much money.

“Sometimes you get to talk with security personnel, and they tell you that they do not have what it takes to challenge armed opposition groups.”

She added that although a lot of money was allocated in the defence and security budgets and allocations but the welfare of security personnel has remained a challenge.

“So some questions need to be asked, because the money is our taxpayers money and so we need some answers.We are not saying that the security operations and procurements and the finances of security institutions should be made completely bare

“We recognize the fact that there is such a thing as natural security, we are all patriotic citizens, we cannot bare our military in the public.What are those information that are not detrimental to national security that could be made available for citizens to truly understand where their taxpayers monies are going?

Ogbimi said that given the fact that the insecurity kept increasing rather than reducing, it behoves of journalists to get answers to the critical questions.

She said this would help stakeholders in the defence and security sector play their roles and carry out their mandate effectively because the know they are being watched.

She said that this would help the security of Nigeria to fall in place.

Dangote Trains Northwest Journalists

Mohammed Shosanya

Dangote Group on Thursday in Kano commenced a two day training programme for 50 newsmen drawn from Northwest, Nigeria.

The two day workshop which has as its theme: Ethics, Skills and Personal Qualities for Reporting in the Digital Age, and it is being coordinated by the Centre for Financial Journalism in Nigeria.

The spokesman of Dangote Group, Mr. Anthony Chiejina, explained that the annual workshop is one in the series of others that have been conducted over the years, and in all the Geo-political zones of the country.

He said the training in Kano is also a reflection of the harmonious relationship between the Dangote Group and the Nigerian Media.

Mr. Chiejina said: “The members of the fourth estate of the realm are our partners in progress. We need each other for Nigeria to develop. I am very sure that the theme for this year on Reporting in Digital Age will change their lives, as it is being handled by seasoned journalists and communication experts.”

Chief Executive of the Centre for Financial Journalism Dr. Ray Echebiri said journalists can only be relevant when they continue to improve themselves via such training programmes.

A resource person, Mrs Aisha Sule urged journalists not to relent in building themselves, and said the collaboration with the Dangte Group and o ther staekholders should be sustained.

A participant and chairman of the Nigerian Union of Journalist(NUJ) in Kano, Mr. Abbas Ibrahim commended the company for the exercise, while urging other participants to leverage the knowledge from the training to develop themselves.

Ibadan Media Outfit To Launch Online Radio

Mohammed Shosanya

Moac Global Media,a news and entertainment service provider, based in Ibadan, is set to launch its online radio service.

Its proprietor and Chief Executive Officer,Mr. Michael Olu Abi Coker,said the media outfit seeks to satisfy its teeming audience with new contents at the dial of a button on their devices.

He disclosed that the media outfit has concluded preparations to kick-start Power365 FM for listeners in the country and the diaspora.

He said listeners can access the live audio feed for Power365FM, an expansion of MOACTV through a simple download of its app from any mobile phone.

He said the new online platform will live stream events, while interactive content, where listeners can call in, will be made available too.

According to him,listeners will also have an option of switching to MOACTV on the same app, after download, while an option to hear popular programs they may have missed due to the difference in time zone will be considered.

“Power365 FM will be the world’s largest online radio and a leading provider of interactive mobile applications for listeners. With its proprietary “HD” voice technology, MOAC Global lovers can connect to either our radio and television channels around the world”, he said.

Moac Global Media, an independent channel founded in 2021,currently reaches an audience of over 200, 000 people throughout Africa and the world.

NLNG Restates Commitment To Empowerment Of Nigerian Journalists

Mohammed Shosanya

The Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Limited,has restated its commitment to empowering journalists with the tools and skills needed to effectively convey stories that resonate with the Nigerian populace in the current digital age.

Mr Andy Odeh, NLNG’s General Manager of External Relations and Sustainable Development,disclosed this at the completion of the second edition of the company’s 2023 #NLNGChangeYourStory workshop in Abuja.

Mr Odeh reiterated NLNG’s belief in fostering symbiotic relationships with its stakeholders, recognising their indispensable role in the company’s current and future success.

“The growth and triumph of NLNG’s stakeholders are inextricably tied to the company’s growth, and thus, capacity building remains a cornerstone of NLNG’s commitment to collective progress. NLNG’s dedication to capacity building is not mere rhetoric but a tangible commitment that bolsters the growth and success of both stakeholders and the nation. It is also in line with our vision of being a globally competitive LNG company helping to build a better Nigeria,” he said.

He added that NLNG’s quest for sustainability led to the recognition of digital communication and social media as the future of the media. He stated that the workshop was initiated in 2015 when eight journalists participated in the first #NLNGChangeYourStory workshop.

The workshop, delivered by seasoned journalist Mr Dan Mason in collaboration with The Journalism Clinic, led by Mr Taiwo Obe, proved to be a transformative experience for the participating journalists. Leveraging their wealth of knowledge and experience, these experts adeptly guided participants through the nuances of digital communication and social media, empowering them to take control of their narratives and shape the nation’s stories.

From 1st August to 3rd August 2023, the annual capacity-building workshop brought together a diverse group of more than 25 journalists from various editorial sections in Abuja.

The event, fully sponsored by NLNG, focused on mobile and multimedia journalism, offering participants a comprehensive learning experience.

#NLNGChangeYourStory workshop has benefited over 90 journalists since 2015, reinforcing their digital communication and social media competencies. The workshop is an inspiring testament to the transformative power of state-of-the-art training. Journalists emerge equipped with the confidence and skills to embrace digital communication and social media.