Mass Sack: Electricity Workers To Stop Power Supply To Kaduna

The National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE)  has compelled its Kaduna State chapter to comply fully with the 5-day warning strike called by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to protest the mass sack of workers in Kaduna State by Governor Nasir el-Rufai.
Comrade Ajaero, Deputy President, NLC and General Secretary NUEE gave the directive in  a circular dated May 11, 2021 and addressed to all members of the union in Kaduna State Council.
He said :“In line with NLC directive on shut down of activities in Kaduna, you are hereby directed to ensure TOTAL BLACK OUT in Kaduna by 00 hours on Saturday, 15th May, 2021.”
In the circular entitled: “Total Blackout in Kaduna”, Comrade Ajaero further stated: “You should liaise with other States or Regions through which Kaduna could be back fed to ensure that there is no supply to Kaduna.Any station or officer whose unit is found wanting, the chapter or state Council will be sanctioned for anti-union activities.”
He therefore called on the council to “ensure total compliance.”
The Kaduna State chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)  had Monday disclosed plans embark on a five-day warning strike to protest the sacking of over 4,000 workers by the Kaduna State government.
In a statement issued  in Kaduna, and jointly signed by the state chairman of the NLC, Comrade Ayuba Suleiman and the Secretary, Comrade Christiana Bawa, the body said the warning strike would commenced by midnight on Sunday, May 16, 2021.
The statement said the decision to embark on the warning strike was taken at an emergency meeting held in Kaduna with a delegation from the National Secretariat of the NLC.
The statement insisted that due process was not followed in the recent disengagement of over 4,000 workers from the Local Government Service, State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and the State Primary Health Care Agency
The statement said the warning strike involved total withdrawal of services, adding that it would be monitored by the National President, Mr. Ayuba Waba and the general secretaries of the NLC of all the unions to ensure enforcement.
The statement directed all civil servants in the state to remain at home for five days after which further directive would be given.
It also called on “civil society organisations, journalists, market women and men, Okada riders and well-meaning citizens to support workers in Kaduna State at this trying time.”
The state government had embarked on mass sacking of workers, saying that its finances had been severely affected by higher wage bills at a time when revenues from the Federation Account Allocations Committee (FAAC) have not increased.
Planned Reduction Of Workers’ Salaries Wicked,Ungodly-TUC

The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria,has faulted the  Federal Government’s planned reduction in the salaries  of workers in the country.
The union,in a statement, titled,’Call Minister of Finance To Order Now’said the Minister’s pronouncement of planned cut in  salaries of workers was ungodly and wicked given the excruciating economic condition of the country
The union said:”To come up with such an idea at a time we are still grappling with the effect of pandemic and millions of people have been rendered jobless for months already is not only preposterous but wicked and, in every shade, ungodly.
“We are surprised this is coming from a mother. The Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, nay Nigerians believe the government knows the right thing to do to cut down the cost of governance; what it actually lacks is the political will to do so. Events of the recent past have shown that workers are not the problem; rather the appointees of government are responsible for the sorry state of the country. They brought every strata of the country to its knee. It is a pity.
“May we remind the minister that as at Q4 2020 the unemployment rate stood at 33.3% and it is projected to rise even further in the coming months while the rate of inflation as at March, 2021 stood at 18.17%. The consequential effects of these are that we now have more idle hands capable of going into crime.
“Also, even the so-called N30, 000 minimum wage which some states are yet to commence payment has been rubbished by the high rate of inflation. It is important to also remind her that there is a law backing National Minimum Wage.
“Agreed, it has become very imperative for the government to reduce the cost of governance and that must be done the right way. Time has come for the take home of political office holders to be significantly reduced.
” The country is paying them for nothing. Our politicians have so much money which is why they can arm thugs (idle youths) to snatch ballot boxes during elections; give bribe, launder money thereby creating scarcity of forex, buy houses abroad and do other despicable things meanwhile someone is busy pushing for a slash of salary of the impoverished workers. This is a clear case of misplaced priority. We are saddened by this.
“Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) have continued to dwindle in the country despite our economic potentials. Investors are discouraged from investing due to insecurity, unfavourable policies or a general lack of a suitable business environment. Maybe she is not aware that Ghana has become a business hob for investors?Madam Honourable Minister, the organized labour condemns the plan and we say NO to your proposal because we do not deserve such treatment. Maybe we should remind you that some countries are increasing salaries to make life easy for their citizens”
The union advised the Minister   to work collaboratively with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to come up with policies that would shape the country economically.
It  warned  states that have not commenced payment  of minimum wage to implement it and also called   on the government to ensure the protection of jobs and reduce the cost of governance by a substantial reduction of salaries of political office holders, starting with the executive, members of the National Assembly, House of Assembly, Chairmen of Local Governments, Councillors and aides to politicians.
Proposed Salaries Cut Wicked,Unthinkable-NLC

The  Nigeria Labour Congress has faulted   plans by the Federal Government to prune workers salaries  and  merger of  some of the Ministries, Department and Agencies in the country.
Comrade  Ayuba Wabba,the president of NLC,said in Abuja that  it was unthinkable that government would be contemplating to unilaterally slash the salaries of Nigerian workers during economic turbulence in Nigeria.
He said:” The question to ask is “which salary is government planning to slash?” It certainly cannot be the meagre national minimum wage of N30000 which right now cannot even buy a bag of rice! The proposed slash in salaries is certainly not targeted at the minimum wage and consequential adjustment in salaries that some callous State Governors are still dragging their feet to pay! “
According to him, multiple devaluation of the Naira in a very short time and the prevailing high inflation rate in Nigeria have punctured  the salaries earned by Nigerian workers across board,adding that Nigerian workers are only surviving by hair’s breadth.
He said it is  weird and wicked  for a Minister of Nigeria to pronounce salary slash for Nigerian workers at this time.
He  added:”This call for salary slash by Mrs. Zainab Ahmed is tantamount to a “mass suicide” wish for Nigerian workers. It is most uncharitable, most insensitive, most dehumanizing and most barbaric. Nigerian workers demand an immediate retraction and apology by the Minister of Finance.
“We call on President Muhammadu Buhari to call the Minister of Finance to order now before she sets Nigeria on fire with her careless statements. If there is any salary that needs serious slashing it is the humungous remuneration and allowances pocketed by political office holders in Nigeria who do very little but collect so much!
“Workers generate surplus value and revenue for government. We do not constitute any unnecessary cost or burden to governance! It is also important to make the point that salaries are products of contracts governed by laws. They cannot be unilaterally adjusted.
“While many countries of the world are increasing the salaries of their workforce, extending social security coverage for their citizens and providing all forms of palliatives to help their people through the terrible socio-economic dislocations occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic, it would be completely absurd for the Nigerian government to be thinking of salary slash. This move is not only at great odds with global best responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is also in violation of relevant ILO Conventions and Declarations on Wages and Decent Work”.
He advocated the need for government to urgently  respond to the demands by Labour for an upward review of salaries of all Nigerian workers.
Nigerian workers,he said, have showed sufficient understanding with government through the tough patches of the pandemic,adding that they now demand reciprocity of our understanding for increase in their remunerations and allowances.
Insecurity:Electricity Workers Dying In Droves-Union

Here's why Electricity Distribution company workers went on strike -  Expressive Info
The National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE),has expressed concern over rising death of members  on account of general insecurity in the country.
Joe Ajaero,the General Secretary,who conveyed this concern in Abuja,said the union may be forced to withdraw its members from essential services if nothing is done to nip insecurity in the bud.
He said: “The safety of our workers who carry out maintenance works and man the stations in these restive areas is seriously threatened as some run into dens of bandits and kidnappers while navigating the bushes to repair and maintain faulty lines.
 “Should this alarming rate of insecurity continue in the next few weeks, with the devastating effect on our members, we may not have any option than to withdraw our members from further exposure to security threats, which has taken many lives already,” he said.
 He faulted the decision of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to stockpile revenues collected by Distribution Companies (Discos), adding that  the step would serve as a disincentive to investment inflow into the power sector.
Workers Day: Atiku,Lawani Urge Workers On National Interest

Former Vice President of Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar and Senate President,Ahmed Lawani, has urged Nigerian workers to consider the interest in the face of the challenges facing them.
In his 2021 May Day solidarity message to the Nigerian workers, Atiku Abubakar noted  that the conditions of the Nigerian workers are worrisome in the nation’s  hostile economic environment.
He added that the increase in the national minimum wage has been matched or neutralised by astronomical inflation that is accelerating at a breathtaking rate almost daily. Even the locally produced foods are prohibitively expensive.”
“Despite these challenges, however, let us not lose hope in our country. Nigeria is bigger than those who preside over our affairs. We have more common interests that unite us than things that divide us. Let us not allow anyone to use us as fighting tools while they are busy protecting their own interests,” the former Vice President advised Nigerians.
In his message,President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan, on Friday Senator urged organised labour to always look at the larger picture and consider higher national interest in their responses to government policies and actions.
He said the National Assembly believes in the well-being and welfare of the workers and will always provide legislative support for every effort to tackle their challenges and improve the work environment.”
Recalling that the Nigerian workers across the generations have continued to drive economic productivity, nation-building and democratic governance in the country, Senator Lawan iterated the commitment of the Ninth Senate to “Work for Nigeria.”
He added that the National Assembly under him will continue to stand by the Nigerian workers to rid our statute books of anti-labour laws and promote legislations that will make our society a better place for the working people.
Injuries:NSITF Pays N4bn To Workers

Injured Nigerian workers got N825m rehabilitation claims in 2019- NSITF |  Alternative Africa
The  Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF),has spent over N4 billion as compensation paid to employees of various organizations who had accidents in their places of work.
Dr.Kelly Nwagha,the acting Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Fund,also said that it spends at least N1 million on monthly basis as compensatory payment to individual employees that lost their spouses.
He disclosed this at a press conference in Abuja to mark the 2021 World Day for Safety and Health at Workplace tagged: “Anticipate, Prepare and Respond To Crisis – Invest Now In Resilient Occupational Safety and Health Systems”, organized by its Health Safety and Environment (HSE) department.
He  admonished  Nigerians to enroll in the Employee Compensation Scheme to enable them enjoy the benefits.
He said: “This year’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work focuses on the theme “Anticipate, Prepare and Respond To Crisis – Invest Now In Resilient Occupational Safety and Health Systems” as it unveil strategies to invest in resilient Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) systems in workplaces in order to face crises, now and in the future, drawing lessons and experiences from the world of work.
“NSITF is calling on all employers of labour to enroll all its employees into the employee compensation scheme because of the many benefits that are in the scheme. This is basically what we are preaching today. And we are going about all over the 56 branches of NSITF today preaching this message, creating more awareness, enlightening the public on the benefits that come to them. The public, the employer and the employee. If they key in, you, the press will also benefit.
“If an employee is enrolled into the scheme by the employer, the responsibility of taking care of those injuries falls reasonably on NSITF, reasonably because if you do not get the information, there is nothing we can do about it. But if the employer informs us in good time to come and carry out the necessary investigations, the purpose of which is to identify the causes that led to those injuries, we have measures on ground that will mitigate future occurrences or the impact”.
FG Targets 800,000 Jobs From Digital Switch Over Project

The Federal Government  says it aims to create no fewer than 800,000 jobs from its Digital Switch Over project it billed to roll out later this week.
Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the Minister of Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, announced this in Abuja at an interactive session with Senate Committee on Information and National Orientation with the  13 Member Ministerial Task Force on DSO project.
He said that the manufacturing of set top boxes or decoders alone was capable of creating 50,000 jobs, while television production could create 200,000 jobs.
“Film Production can generate 350 to 400,000 jobs, distribution, which entails supplying the market with Set Top Boxes,TVs and Dongles for the internet, will require at least 100,000 wholesalers. Advertising can create a further 50,000 jobs.”
He explained  how the DSO will commence,saying: “We are kickstarting the new roll out in Lagos state on  April 29, while  Kano  on June 3, and Rivers  on July 8. We will then follow up with Yobe s on July 15 and Gombe  on Aug 12. To date, we have rolled out the DSO in five states and Abuja.”
He said the DSO had gone live in the Federal Capital Territory, Kwara, Kaduna  Enugu and Osun states.
He said the  ministry  considers the DSO  as one of its priority projects, given its potential to create jobs, bring governance closer to the people through better access to information, provide quality programming to Nigeria’s estimated 24 million television households, with high fidelity pictures and sound.
“Without mincing words, let me say straight away that for us, the DSO is about stimulating local content and empowering platform owners,” he said.
He disclosed that the ministry  had  taken some steps to create the enabling environment for the DSO to succeed, for local content to thrive, for indigenous producers to be more engaged and for the local advertising market to grow.
He also revealed that the federal government  had carried out an unprecedented reform of the broadcasting industry, given the nexus between the reforms and success of the DSO.
Unemployment:BoI Considers  Creation Of  Technology  Hubs

BoI to tackle youth unemployment with tech hubs
The Bank of Industry (BoI) has announced plans to establish tech hubs to address youth unemployment in the country.
The  bank said  it would be sponsoring tech hubs in recognition of the talented youths in Universities and the need to channel youths to more productive and impactful ends, rather than indulging in social vices.
Olukayode Pitan,the Managing Director, BoI, who spoke at the BoI-Unilag Incubation and Co-working hub opening and commissioning in University of Lagos,said his bank remains committed to providing funding to support credible and bankable ideas that emerge from the tech hubs to enable them to start operations and scale into viable businesses.
He added that embracing technology and infusing it into business processes will make organizations and the country more competitive while adding that the tech industry can be a major pillar of a diversified economy. “It can create exciting jobs that encourage our young people to stay in Nigeria even as they work and compete globally,” he said. “BoI is happy to support this programme because it aligns with our mission to transform Nigeria’s industrial sector by providing financial and business support services so that new businesses will emerge and existing enterprise will thrive,” he said.
COVID-19:  Fresh Job Losses Loom   In Chemical Industry

The National Union of Chemical Footwear, Rubber, Leather and Non-Metallic Products Employees (NUCFRLANMPE) has said that
that many companies in the sector were still threatening to downsize their work force as goods had remained in the warehouses unsold as on account of COVID-19 pandemic and closure of Nigeria’s land borders.
The union lamented that  over 10,000 members were sacked in the last one year because of the spread of the pandemic.
It also said the recent reopening of the land borders by the Federal Government has not added  appreciable value to the industry as goods are still trapped in the warehouse
Comrade Goke Olatunji,the President of the union, expressed that  job losses in the country have continued unsolved , terrifying  the employment crisis in the country.
He said:“The announcement by the Federal Government on the opening of the borders has not taken effect. Some of the member companies are already lamenting over poor sales, because their products cannot be exported to neighbouring countries.”
According to him,government’s closure of the land borders without consideration  locally-produced products meant for export should be reviewed.
He added:“Nigeria’s economy cannot be better because of the land border closure. By closing land borders, some other sectors of the economy are suffering.If the options are weighed, it is good for us to open the borders while putting in place efficient and effective monitoring and controlling measures to curb prohibited commodities”.
He  reasoned that further  sack of workers would pauperize  the country , increase insecurity and cause decline of membership of the union.
He emphasized  for the country to consider return to mining, agriculture and manufacturing, with a view to nipping the unemployment level in the bud and boosting the nation’s economy.
Nigerian Banks Sacked  8,584 Officials  In A  Year-NBS

Employees in the nation’s  industry reduced by 8.3 per cent last year compared to the number of banking staff in December 2019, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Selected Banking Sector Report said.
It added that   in the fourth quarter, the number of banking staff dropped by 8,584 to 95,026 as at December 31, 2020 compared to 103,610 which was in the employ of banks in 2019.
The COVID-19 pandemic had impacted the operations of banks with many branches closed to reduce contact and many of the affected staff had been contract staff. In the heat of the pandemic, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) had directed that banks not lay off any worker without its approval.
The data released by the NBS showed that most of the staff relieved of their duties last year were contract staff as the number of executive staff increased significantly.
A total of 5,552 contract staff had been laid off in the course of the year reducing the number by 12.2 per cent from 45,350 to 39,798 while the number of junior staff had declined by 5.78 per cent or 2,306 from 39,896 to 37,590 at the end of December last year
A total volume of 3.46 billion transactions valued at N356.47tn were recorded in the fourth quarter of 2020 as data on electronic payment channels in the Nigeria banking sector.
Online transfers dominated the volume of transactions recorded, it stated.
The NBS stated that 2.23 billion volume of online transfer transactions valued at N120.27tn were recorded in Q4 2020.
In terms of credit to the private sector, the total value of credit allocated by the bank stood at N20.37tn as of Q4 2020.
Oil and gas and manufacturing sectors got credit allocation of N3.93tn and N3.19tn to record the highest credit allocation as at the period under review.