Lagos Govt Stops 50% Discount On Public Transport

The Lagos State Government has cancelled the 50% transport fare discount on all Public Transport System which was implemented in response to Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s directive on August 2, 2023.

The Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) announced a reversion to the old rates of public transport from November 5.

“The 50% rebate in transport fare in the regulated transport system in Lagos ends on Sunday,” the Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority said in a statement on Saturday.

The statement told commuters that starting “from Monday, November 6, 2023, transport fare will return to the pre-2nd August 2023 rate.”

It also advised Lagos residents to take note of the change and make the necessary preparations for the resumption of regular transport fare rates that were in place before the adjustment made in August.

Governor Sanwo-Olu announced on July 31 the reduction of transport fares for state-owned buses by 50% as well as commercial yellow buses by 25% on all routes as part of efforts to cushion the effect of the removal of the petrol subsidy.

He said that the bus fare reduction was supposed to take effect on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, noting the expansion of the fleet of staff buses for the workers in the Lagos State Public Service to cushion the effect of the subsidy removal.

He said that the buses are ready and will be deployed through the office of the Head of Service of the state.

NYSC Mobilises 350,000 Corps Members Annually- DG

Mohammed Shosanya

The Director General, National Youth Service Corps Brig. Gen. Dogara Ahmed has said that the NYSC Mobilises an average of 350,000 Corps members annually in the promotion of national unity.

Brig. Gen. Ahmed stated this while delivery a lecture titled: “Harnessing The Potentials of the Nigerian Youths for National Unity and Development”, at the 5th convocation lecture of the Edo State University, Uzairue.

The director general,who was represented by Ladan Baba, director South South zone, said, the scheme , being the largest youth organization in Africa, has given the participants the much needed exposure and opportunity for deeper appreciation and understanding of the nation’s diversity.

The NYSC, he said, was established as a deliberate Public policy to ensure the realization of the government post-war strategy of Reconciliation, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation (RRR)

According to him, the NYSC is a significant step towards youth engagement, mandating qualified graduates of universities and other tertiary institutions to participate in a one year service programme to foster national unity and providing opportunity for the youth to contribute to community development.

“The NYSC has created an opportunity for establishing life-long relationships among the youth as a lot has also been achieved in the area of cultural integration.

“The scheme has the objective of developing common ties among the youths and promoting national unity by ensuring they are assigned to jobs in states other than their state of origin with the intent of removing prejudice and eliminating ignorant among the young graduates”.

The DG added that the objectives of the scheme was to inculcate discipline in Nigeria youth by instilling in them a tradition of industry at work and of patriotic and loyal service to Nigeria in any situation they may find themselves.

It is also to raise the moral tone of the Nigeria youth by giving them the opportunity to learn about higher ideals of national achievements, social and cultural improvement and to develop in the Nigeria youth the attitude of mind acquired through shared experience and suitable training which will make them more amenable to mobilization in the national interest.

“To achieve this objectives, the service corps shall ensure equitable distribution of members of the service corps and effective utilization of skills in areas of national needs such as the corp members are assigned to work together in state other than state of origin”.

On the education sectors, he said the NYSC has contributed to the development of education with corps members serving as teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary schools as they are mostly posted to secondary schools where they constitute the major manpower especially in the rural communities.

The corp members are also being involved in the areas of health sector, agriculture, NYSC Ventures, general elections, national census, skill acquisition and entrepreneurship development, he said.

The DG said that notwithstanding the numerous achievements, the scheme still faced some challenges such as inadequacy of orientation camp facilities; poor infrastructure in various formations; submission of wrong data on graduates, poor quality of graduates being presented for mobilization and deployment and relocation racketeering among others.

He implored the state governments to live up to their statutory responsibilities to the scheme in the provision, maintenance and upgrading of camp facilities.

The Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof Emmanuel Aluyor, commended the Pro-Chancellor, Prof Emeritus Thomas Okpo K. Audu who he said contributed immensely to the success story of the university.

He also thanked the NYSC DG for the 5th convocation lecture, titled “Harnessing the Potential of Youth for National Unity and Development”, describing it as a clarion call, and earnest plea to acknowledge the immense capabilities residing within the youth and the role they play in shaping the future of Nigeria.

Congratulating the graduating students, the VC said they should take a leap of faith, believe in themselves, abilities and dreams, noting that the belief will propelled them forward, allowing them to surmount obstacles and reach for stars.

“Achievement is not a destination; it is a continuous journey, it requires dedication, hard work and an unwavering commitment to excellence’, he advised.

The Pro-Chancellor, Prof Emeritus Thomas Okpo K Audu thanked the state governor Mr Godwin Obaseki for his support in ensuring that the university continues to make giant strides.

Infrastructure Bank Sues Dana Motors Over N221m Debt

Mohammed Shosanya

The Infrastructure Bank Plc a development finance institution has dragged Dana Motors Limited to court in an action filed before the High Court of the FCT, Gwagwalada Division.

The Bank’s papers filed before the court shows that Dana Motors is indebted to the Bank on a contract for the supply of vehicles for which Dana Motors has refused to pay, according to a statement by the management of the Bank.

The statement reads: “The plaintiff claims against the defendant the sum of N221,893,690.44 being the outstanding indebtedness of the Defendant as at March 2023 which is due and payable to the Plaintiff arising from a vehicle sale transaction between the Plaintiff and the Defendant. The plaintiff also claims interest, as well as general damages.

“The total consideration payable for the 23 vehicles pursuant to the vehicle sale transaction is the sum of N494,910,000.00. The defendant was said to have acknowledged delivery of all the vehicles.

“The plaintiff avers that in payment of consideration for the vehicles, the Defendant issued in favour of the Plaintiff post-dated cheques but later reneged by instructing the Bank not to present the postdated cheques on its due dates to which the Bank expressed its displeasure at the failure of the defendant to keep to the terms of the contract it freely entered with the Plaintiff. The postdated cheques were eventually dishonored upon presentation on the basis of alleged irregular mandate.

“The defendant has filed its Statement of defence and counter claim denying the claims of the Plaintiff. It has however made a proposal for settlement. The matter came up on Thursday 2nd November 2023 before the Hon Justice Mohammed Sanni of the High Court of FCT, Gwagwalada and was adjourned to 17th January 2024 for report/adoption of terms of settlement or hearing/commencement of trial,” the statement explained.

The plaintiff is being represented by the firm of Messrs Solomon Umoh SAN & Co and the defendant by De Juhano Solicitors.

Corruption Allegations Trail TCN’s Chief After Retirement

Corruption allegations have continued to trail the former Project General Manager of the Transmission Company of Nigeria, Engineer Joseph Engr. Joseph Almajiri, who retired the agency five months ago.

He was accused of corruption, maladministration and violation of work ethics,which he allegedly perpetuated with the connivance of Special Adviser of the immediate past Vice President of Nigeria.

The former company’s General Manager and Project Coordinator,is squaring up with his accusers, who he described as faceless whose stock in trade is to cook up false narratives to soil his image.

But sources said that Almajiri allegedly collectedfunds for unattended training programs, and that the African Development Bank (AFDB)allegedly wrote to the TCN requesting a refund of the monies it provided

Sources also alleged that there were funds appropriated for the development and upgrades of the electricity distribution network system; but were not used appropriately by him.

Sources narrated how Almajiri allegedly denied Transrail Lighting Limited,an Indian firm execution of Lines Lot 1—NTEP-TL1—Construction of Mando—Rimin Zakara 330kV Double Circuit QUAD Conductor Transmission Line Project for alleged selfish reason.

They further alleged that Almajiri is scheming vigorously to be made the next Managing Director of the Transmission Company of Nigeria,but he’s being challenged on account of his support for rival party in Kaduna South in the February 2023 Presidential Elections. They also alleged that Almajirii and and his family have dual citizenship.

But Engineer Almajiri,punctured the allegations against him, saying they were false,misguided and designed to soil his reputation.He claimed he does not possess dual citizenship, and certainly not scheming for the position of Managing Director of TCN for he was not desperate position.

He claimed he didn’t hobnob with politicians too,as alleged.

He said he had brilliant career in Transmission Company of Nigeria, where he worked and earned accolades before he retired from the employ of the company this year.

According to him,the faceless individuals spreading fake news, he said, are oblivious of the reputations he built in service which they can cross-check in TCN.

He also said he had never inflated figures let alone cornered funds for unattended foreign trainings as claimed by the source.

According to him, as the former Project General Manager of Transmission Company of Nigeria, he didn’t circumvent the rules governing the workings of hid specialized area.

He added:”As a Project General Manager,I knew the import of my area to the growth of the Transmission Company of Nigeria, and tje country’s power sector. Armed with this fact, I carried out my duty diligently and developed a robust team work to achieve optimal objectives of TCN’s project management.

“Most of the quality jobs my team delivered then remains a reference point in the history of the TCN and a veritable tool to enhance power network in Nigeria.The robust training my project team were exposed to,strengthened them and contributed immeasurably to boost TCN’s manpower development and skill building.

” Those spreading the wild allegations about my involvement in diversion of fund and milking the agency are after subterranean interest having lost steam to view my noble contributions to TCN and how the agency has fared since I left its employ”.

NSCDC Foil Attempt To Vandalize NNPC Pipelines In Aboru

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps ( NSCDC ), Lagos State Command, upon receiving credible intelligence, from the community members of Oju – emi, off Ola mummy junction, Aboru, Agbado Oke – Odo Local Council Development Authority, foiled attempt, by suspected, vandals, who intended, to compromise the NNPC pipeline in the area.

The action was foiled, at 0530hrs, at the location by the tactical operation of the anti – vandal unit of the command led, by Assistant Commandant of Corps Abdullahi Jubril Musa, a statement said.

The State Commandant, NSCDC, Lagos State Command, Commandant of Corps Usman Ishaq Alfadarai, in a bid to protect lives and critical national assets and infrastructure of government immediately, ordered, the cordoning of the compromised point, patrol and robust surveillance of the entire area.

He has also engaged, community leaders, religious bodies, youths, the NNPC and other relevant stakeholders, on the need to collaborate, with the Corps in fulfilling our noble mandate, in the area and by extension the entire Lagos state.

The team of the command, recovered, petroleum products, forty seven kegs, hoes, hammers, pliers, sacks and other items used, by the suspected, vandals to compromise the pipeline. The suspects however, dashed through the bush path and ran away for their dear lives upon sighting the men of the command.

Faceless Group Wants To Soil My Reputation With Baseless Allegations-Almajiri

Former General Manager of Project Coordination at the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), Engr. Joseph Ciroma Almajiri,has raised alarm over attempt by faceless group to soil his reputation five months after he retired from the agency.

His action stems from the current corruption allegations in some quarters against him,which he had already cleared himself of before he left the agency June,this year.

He was accused to have been involved in massive malpractices in connivance with then-Special Adviser,Infrastructure in the office of the immediate former Vice President

He was also accused of collecting money for unattended training programs and further NTEP-TL1—Construction of Mando—Rimin Zakara 330kV Double Circuit QUAD Conductor Transmission Line Project which was not allegedly given to the right company to execute.

He was further alleged to be scheming to be appointed as the Managing Director of Transmission Company of Nigeria.

But Almajiri maintained that the allegations against him were false,misguided and designed to soil his reputation and vividly show the desperation of the group to nail him by concocting malicious lies.

He said he had brilliant career in Transmission Company of Nigeria,where he worked and earned accolades before he retired from the employ of the company this year.

The faceless individuals spreading fake news, he said,are oblivious of the reputations he built in service which they can cross-check in TCN.

He also said he had never inflated figures let alone cornered funds for unattended foreign trainings as claimed by the source.

According to him, as the former General Manager of Project Coordination at the Transmission Company of Nigeria, he didn’t circumvent the rules governing the workings while in service.

He added:”As a General Manager of Project Coordination, I knew the import of my area to the growth of the Transmission Company of Nigeria, and tje country’s power sector. Armed with this fact, I carried out my duty diligently and developed a robust team work to achieve optimal objectives of TCN’s project management.

“Most of the quality jobs my team delivered then remains a reference point in the history of the TCN and a veritable tool to enhance power network in Nigeria.The robust training my project team were exposed to,strengthened them and contributed immeasurably to boost TCN’s manpower development and skill building.

” Those spreading the wild allegations about my involvement in diversion of fund and milking the agency are after subterranean interest having lost steam to view my noble contributions to TCN and how the agency has fared since I left its employ”.

He also punctured allegation that he connived with the SA on infrastructure to the former Vice President to scam the agency.

“I dont know the said SA on Infrastructure to the former Vice President, let alone involved in shady deals with him to cheat on the agency that gave me wings to fly.I am honest and trustworthy enough. Those who have dealt with me in public and private life would confirm to you that I dont joke with my integrity”.

He also said he didn’t hobnob with anyone to get appointed as the boss of TCN, just as he picked holes in the allegation that he has dual citizenship.

Wabote Commissions Genesis Academy, Commends Firm For Creating 2500 Jobs

Mohammed Shosanya

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), Engr. Simbi Kesiye Wabote, on Thursday commissioned the corporate Head Office and Training Academy of the hospitality conglomerate, Genesis Group Limited, in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

He lauded the firm for being the leading provider of catering services for major oil and gas companies in the country and employing over 2,500 persons across its various operations.

The firm’s footprints include operating seven standard hotels across the nation, managing 30 restaurants in eight states and operating 12 cinemas.

He highlighted the specialization and expertise that are required in catering for the oil and gas industry, stressing that the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development (NOGICD) Act does not allow for the lowering of standards under any guise.

He said: “The ability to cook is perhaps just about 20% of what is required to provide good catering service for the oil and gas industry. The ambience, how you serve the food, the people you use to serve the food, how you preserve the food, the quality of the substance you use are the most important conditions. It is all encompassing.”

The Academy, built by the Group for capacity building in Hotel and Tourism Management, Client Service Dynamics, Business Processes, Etiquette, Emotional Intelligence, Logistics and Supply Chain, among other courses drew commendation from the Executive Secretary, who emphasized the importance of those skills in delivering wholesome hospitality experience.

He said the Genesis Group has helped to raise in-country value and reduce the dominance of foreign companies in industrial catering and hospitality, recalling that very few Nigerian firms could compete with such foreign interests in the hospitality industry until the 1990s.

The firm and other indigenous players in the sector facilitated the actualisation of provisions of the NOGICD Act which stipulate, among other things, “a minimum of 80% Nigerian Content” in catering services in the industry.

Speaking further on the accomplishments of the company, which ranks as the first indigenous catering firm to be certified as ISO 90001 and ISO 22000-compliant, he pointed out that Genesis has demonstrated strict compliance in both local and international best practices in safety, quality and regulatory requirements. He equally observed that it is one of the very organisations in Nigeria where female staff far outnumber their male counterparts.

He commended “The visionary leadership of the founder and Group Managing Director of Genesis, Ichie Dr. Nnaeto Orazulike, for his outstanding entrepreneurship, noting that he has demonstrated the “CAN DO” attitude, which drives his commitment to delivering world-class services with a strong customer focus.”

He maintained that local content development is the only guarantee of increased productivity, stable economic development as well as stabilisation of the naira.

In his comments, Dr Orazulike thanked the NCDMB boss and representatives of international oil companies (IOCs) for their support and patronage, assuring that the Group was poised to even surpass its present achievements.

His vision for the near future, he disclosed, was to build a world-class hospitality centre and to provide world-class cinematic experience. These would be attained through capacity building programmes to be provided by the newly commissioned Training Academy and other initiatives of the organisation.

In goodwill messages, representatives of the Waltersmith Modular Refinery in Ohaji Egbema Local Government Area, Imo State, and Bank of Industry (BOI) commended the company for its sterling performance over the years. The BOI Management stated that “The partnership with Genesis has been very rewarding” because “every step taken has been well guided.” It promised to continue to work closely with the company.

NUPRC Receives Dangote Refinery’s Supply Guarantee Of 650,000 barrels

Mohammed Shosanya

The Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC),has confirmed receipt of request from Dangote Refinery to guarantee the supply of 650,000 barrels of crude oil per day.

The Chief executive of NUPRC, Engr. Gbenga Komolafe, announced this during a meeting with crude oil producers in Abuja,

He said:“We received a request from the refinery to guarantee feedstock to the 650,000 barrels per day refinery, and we believe that as a nation, it will be a shame if we cannot meet the feedstock of the refinery.

“So this meeting was conveyed for us to collectively put heads together to address the issue of providing feedstock to our domestic refineries so that at the end of the day, the objective is for us, take this nation to the level where we become a net exporter of refined products, as against being a net exporter of crude without value addition, as we’ve experiencing”.

He noted that as the largest oil producer in Africa and 7th in OPEC, Nigeria could no longer afford to be a net importer of petroleum products, saying companies which violate the law could be fined as much as $10,000 and have their export licences withdrawn.

He implored oil producers to make available the volume needed for local refining, stressing that supply to the domestic market would henceforth be given priority over export

According to him, the industry’s inability to meet its domestic refining obligations has impacted negatively on the economy given the volume taken as under-recovery during the petrol subsidy regime.

He added:”Domestic crude oil supply obligation refers to the requirements imposed by the government on oil producers to allocate a certain portion of their crude oil production for domestic consumption. This is done to ensure a stable and reliable supply of crude oil for the country’s domestic needs, including refining petroleum products.

“Section 109 of the Petroleum Industry Act introduces the domestic crude oil supply obligation to the oil industry in Nigeria in a bid to ensure crude supply to local refineries. Under section 109 subsection two of the PIA, the commission gazetted the production containment and domestic crude oil supply regulations which provides clarity of the obligations of the stakeholders”.

He noted that where there are supply gaps, the Commission has the responsibility to step in by issuing a “request for quotation to oil producers requiring them to submit a quotation for the supply of crude oil to meet the shortage. Upon receiving responses from the oil producers, the Commission makes available the information to the affected refineries to facilitate contract negotiations between these stakeholders. If no resolution is reached, the commission shall impose an obligation on oil producers to supply and notify the Authority of the same.

“The volume of crude oil that oil producing companies shall dedicate to the domestic crude supply obligation shall be based on an allocation system determined by the Commission”.

He stated that the Commission would take all necessary steps that would be needed to avoid an inadequate supply of crude oil to domestic refineries.

He disclosed that the Commission shall “enforce the following penalties for violations or non-compliance to the provisions of Section 109 of the Act. A company which fails to respond to requests for quotations within a specified period is liable to pay an administrative fine of $10,000 to the Commission that is for the period of default.
A company which has not complied with its domestic crude supply obligation, where a willing buyer insists, shall not be granted an export permit for the lease there. A company that fails to comply with the domestic supply obligation shall incur a penalty of 50 per cent of the fiscal price for barrels not delivered.

“This is a matter of importance to us as a nation, we have reached a point where we need value addition to our crude, we cannot be exporting crude without adding value to it and that is the intent in the PIA, and as responsible regulator we have to enforce that.

“So our appeal is to you all as producers to collaborate with us in the interest of our nation because if we develop our mainstream, that is where value lies.
“Especially with the momentum in energy transition, so we need to develop our mainstream given the multiplier effect and benefits of developing our mainstream. So it is going to be a matter of national shame if we cannot meet our domestic obligation to step up domestic refining capacity. So this is the issue. We need reliable backup to the data you want to give us, the CCE said.

MRA Tasks President Tinubu On Protection Of Journalists

Mohammed Shosanya

Media Rights Agenda (MRA) has implored President Bola Tinubu to ensure the safety of journalists in Nigeria and bring an end to impunity for crimes against journalists by ensuring that Government officials and non-state actors who attack journalists are appropriately punished in accordance with the law.

Its Executive Director, Mr. Edetaen Ojo, said: “On the occasion of this year’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, we remain extremely concerned that in spite of numerous and frequently recurring cases of attacks against journalists in Nigeria, with at least 19 journalists killed over the years, no one has ever been charged with any crime for such attacks or punished for such offenses, with the result that Nigeria appears to be suggesting that attacking or killing journalists is acceptable and will attract no consequences.”

It noted that it is now 10 years since the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed November 2 of every year as the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists by Resolution 68/163 on “The safety of journalists and the issue of impunity”, which it adopted on December 18, 2013 at its 68th session.

The organisation explained that in the resolution, the UN General Assembly urged all Member States, including Nigeria, “to do their utmost to prevent violence against journalists and media workers, to ensure accountability through the conduct of impartial, speedy and effective investigations into all alleged violence against journalists and media workers falling within their jurisdiction and to bring the perpetrators of such crimes to justice and ensure that victims have access to appropriate remedies.”

It noted that the General Assembly also called upon States to promote a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without undue interference, including by means of legislative measures; awareness-raising in the judiciary and among law enforcement officers and military personnel, as well as among journalists and in civil society, regarding international human rights and humanitarian law obligations and commitments relating to the safety of journalists; the monitoring and reporting of attacks against journalists; publicly condemning attacks; and dedicating the resources necessary to investigate and prosecute such attacks.

It regretted that over the last 10 years, the Federal Government had not taken any discernible measure towards fulfilling any single one of these requirements, even as attacks against journalists and other media workers have continued unabated and with impunity, including the repeated occurrence of some of the specific acts condemned by the resolution, such as torture, extrajudicial killings, physical violence against journalists, arbitrary detention, intimidation and harassment, among others.

Mr. Ojo said: “Under the current administration, the need to put in place mechanisms to ensure the safety of journalists ought not to be a difficult case to make. As a media owner, President Tinubu must certainly be personally aware of the important role that the media play in ensuring an informed citizenry and the emergence of a knowledgeable society, in providing members of the public with critical information that they require to make important decisions in their lives and in upholding the responsibility and accountability of the government to the people as well as the fact that the work of journalists often puts them at risk of intimidation, harassment and violence.”

According to him, “It is our hope that being better informed about these issues than his predecessors in office, the President will direct the relevant officials and agencies in his Administration to take necessary steps and work with other media stakeholders, including media professional bodies and civil society organizations, to establish a national mechanism for ensuring the safety of journalists and ending impunity for crimes against journalists.”

NCDMB Boss Commissions MG VOWGAS’s New Facilities

Mohammed Shosanya

The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB), Engr. Simbi Wabote, has commissioned MG VOWGAS’ newly installed 200-ton heat treatment furnace and state-of-the-art dish head forming machine at the company’s yard in Port Harcourt

Wabote,who spoke at the event,commended the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) firm for its remarkable local content performance, technological capability and innovation.

He said that the facilities had provided the company with technological capability “to fabricate and load out a variety of steel structures and equipment.”

The furnace, the largest in the country, has as volume 600 cubic metres and a working temperature of 1,150 degrees Celsius, which is capable of heating and cooling various materials, ensuring optimal strength, durability and performance.

Wabote also lauded MG Vowgas for acquiring a dishhead forming machine that can press up to 400mm thick steel with ASME U-stamp, thereby filling a big gap in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

Noting the remarkable transformation of the company’s fabrication yard in Woji, Port Harcourt, which has six workshops now as against three in 2018 within its 118,000 square metres physical space, the NCDMB boss hinted that “MG VOWGAS is a superb example of what a Nigerian oil and gas service company can grow into, over a period of time in demonstration of the resilience of Nigerian enterprise.”

He added:“For over two decades, they have successfully delivered a range of challenging projects ranging from facility revamping, molecular sieve beads change out, Turn Around Maintenance (TAM), EPCIC [Engineering, Procurement, construction, Installation, and commissioning] of offshore structures, pipeline construction, in-plant piping, fabrication of process packages, warehousing, and maritime services for notable clients in the oil and gas sector.”

The excellent safety record of the company, which stands at 2-million manhours without lost time incident (LTI), also elicited praise from the NCDMB boss. He charged the Management to “to keep up the trajectory to the next milestone of 3 million LTI-free manhours.”

Speaking on the significance of the success story of MG VOWGAS for the country’s local content drive, Engr. Wabote said the attainments of the company “give us the confidence that we can add value locally, create employment opportunities, and build the skill sets necessary to grow our economy.”

He emphasized that local content would boost local production of goods and services, minimize importation, and “shore up the value of the naira.”

He challenged the company to take its services to other African countries.

He hinted that the Board’s interaction with sister African countries such as Namibia, Uganda, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea and others showed their readiness to tap from the experience of Nigeria in the implementation of local content practice as well as their eagerness to collaborate with Nigerian businesses.

He commended international oil and gas companies and the Nigerian Liquified Natural Gas Ltd for supporting local business as well as the implementation of Nigerian Content so far.

In a welcome address, the Group Managing Director of MG VOWGAS Group, Mr. Godwin Izomor, commended the NCDMB, particularly its Executive Secretary, Engr. Wabote for his committed efforts “to nurture and support local content development in the oil and gas industry,” which has been “instrumental in promoting technological advancements and fostering the growth of local expertise.”

He noted that “as we inaugurate these state-of-the-art machines, we renew our commitment to advancing local content development, embracing innovation, and fostering sustainable growth within the energy sector.”