Realnews Seeks Integration Of Africa Into Global Economy

3 months ago
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         Mohammed Shosanya


The Editor and Publisher of Realnews Magazine, Maureen Chigbo,has advocated the need for integration of Africa into the global economy in order for the region to enjoy unhindered influence of technology for the socioeconomic well-being of “our people”.





She disclosed this in her welcome address at the 12th Annual Lecture and Realnews Magazine.




Chigbo said that Realnews magazine picked ‘Africa in World Shifting Geopolitics: Matters Arising on Democracy, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Resources’ “because we are concerned about how Africa could be integrated into the global economy amidst the move towards authoritarianism, protectionism, nationalism, and the unbridled influence of technology on the socioeconomic well-being of our people.”





“Is Africa an Island, a mega-island? What are the continent’s strengths that can be leveraged to integrate it into the global economy for the benefit of its people?, she stated that “these questions plague our minds in Realnews and lead to earnest searches for the best minds to deal with the theme”,she asked rhetorically.





According to her, Realnews narrowed down the guest lecturer because of his pedigree, adding that she and the keynoter will do justice to the topic of this lecture and that the panel of discussants with relevant expertise, knowledge, and experience were carefully selected to illuminate the topic further.






Chigbo implored  her colleagues to ensure that the message from the lecture is heard in Africa and beyond and assured that Realnews will ensure that “we do our part by giving the widest publicity to this important lecture and the discussions.”





“We are convinced that journalism as the Fourth Estate of the Realm can contribute to building a free, fair, and just society where fundamental human rights are respected and where citizens enjoy the freedom to pursue their interests without let or hindrance. Our motto at Realnews is: “For God and Humanity,” she said.





According to her,in the past 12 years, Realnews has kept faith with its vision and mission statements.




“We have investigated and published exclusive stories that cover all sectors of our focus, including politics, oil and gas, business and economy, women, youth and environment, etc. We can proudly say that we have done and continue to do our job with the highest sense of responsibility.





“However, the modest success we have recorded at Realnews has come with its share of challenges, especially in fashioning creative ways to sustain our publication in a difficult economic environment with dwindling prospects for advertisement.





“Realnews Magazine is free but without your support, from the public or private sector alike, and civil society, it will not survive! The support can be in the form of advertisements, special supplements, and special features on you company/organization for publication on our website. We also welcome capacity- building programmes for our staff to serve our clients better.





“Realnews is also into media consultancy; writing books and biographies, and image surveys for companies. Over the years, the books we have published include Federal Road Safety Commission in the Eyes of the Media Volume 1 – 4; Pathways to Political and Economic Development of Africa, and Paragon of Journalism Volume 1 and 2. We are working on several manuscripts and require sponsors for their publication,” she added.





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