Malomo Promises To Professionalize Nigerian Printing Industry

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President of the Chartered Institute of Professional Printers of Nigeria (CIPPON), Mr. Olugbemi Malomo,has promised  to intensify the campaign to ensure printing jobs are not taken out of Nigeria anymore
He said the printing industry would also be  professionalized with sustained campaign against quackery in the industry.
He disclosed these the institute’s 4th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Lagos where the members of the institute elected 15 members into the CIPPON Council.
The association’s council reelected Malomo for the second term at the meeting,PremiumNews reports.
He stated that non-CIPPON members are not qualified for any printing job and the Executive will ensure this stand going forward.
He spoke on  his stewardship in his first tenure, saying the institute embarked on a campaign “Let Nigeria Printing Jobs Remain in Nigeria” and recorded remarkable progress.
He added  for the first time in the history of Nigeria, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) published advertisements in the dailies for qualified Nigerian printers to bid for the printing contracts, adding that INEC had also made membership of CIPPON part of the requirements to win the bids.
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