Tinubu Has Brought Hope To Nigeria-Pategi

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Mohammed Shosanya

Former Commissioner for Local government, Chieftaincy affairs and community development in Kwara State, Mahalia Aisha Ahman Pategi 2019-2020 fondly called “Super commissioner,” was the first commissioner to resign her portfolio when she dissatisfied with some policies of the government and the governor over poor handling of local government autonomy.

In this interview with Premium News,she discusses issues bothering on the President Bola Tinubu’s policies and government,autonomy for the third tier of government among others.


What is your general assessment of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration?.

Local government autonomy is what will hit the nail.This approach indeed has the potential to address fundamental issues in the grassroots level, fostering a bottom-up development strategy.

Empowering local governments can lead to more efficient governance, enhanced service delivery, and stronger community engagement. This method can significantly contribute to economic growth and societal transformation that will lead to a renewed sense of hope and a change in mindset across the nation.

Honestly,local government autonomy done and implemented properly will give us the dominion effect. For me, PBAT is doing exceptionally great. We all need to keep in mind that sustainable change doesn’t happen overnight, there is light at the end of the tunnel and I tell you for free this local government autonomy if implemented properly will transform our lives and the nation.

There are agitations in some quarters for the establishment of state police, what is your take on this?

Establishment of state police is a contentious issue.While it could enhance localized security and ensure that policing is more in tune with community needs, its effectiveness is contingent upon the successful implementation of local governments autonomy.

Without a solid foundation for accountable local governance,state police might not achieve the desired outcomes and could even exacerbate existing issues of power and resource misuse.

How do you rate Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq in the last five years?

I supported Governor Abdulrazaq for his second bid for office for certain reasons. First,is his key attribute, he’s got listening ears. Honestly, his humility is top-notch, he is a man that can strike friendship with a suya man.

Abraham Maslow’s third hierarchy of human needs is giving one a sense of belonging. When one is given a listening ears and action taken as a result of being heard, can definitely inspire and ignite that hope in a person that the future is bright.

Aside this,he has just unveiled the Ilorin city master plan 2042, which shows he is a great planner and a strategist. Keep in mind that he is also an achiever. Nothing meaningful can be achieved without proper planning. So I believe his years as an administrator will be unprecedented.

Again,he is giving the average child hope in Kwara state, he has raised the hope that a child of no body can become somebody.

For me,these are huge achievements we most time ignore and tend to focus too much attention on roads, renovations of school, social investments and all, but I can tell you for free that this aren’t our challenges, because to be fair to all other past governments they all did their fair share of infrastructure projects, but what’s truly sustainable is the feeling of the hope you inspire in people that will motivate them to believe in themselves.

Remember that a nation’s greatest capital is his human capacity, once we’re able to get it right by inspiring and equipping our citizens by harnessing their full potentials, then we shall be sure that the nation will rebuild itself and together.

We can go far as quoted by Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Governor Abdurazaq has underscored his commitment to strategic development and inclusive governance.These attributes, coupled with his focus on giving hope to the youth and women are significant achievements.

While infrastructure projects are essential,the inspiration and sense of belonging he provides to the citizens are vital for the future of Kwara, Nigeria and humanity. According to Abraham Maslow, third hierarchy of human need is love and a sense of belonging, very crucial to our human potentiality.

Are women well represented in the political calculations of Nigeria?

Hmmm!!! Permit me to be blunt my brother, we women are the architect of our underrepresentation you may wish to ask me why.

Take a cursory look at our democracy; take the recent Edu gate situation for example, instead of women to collaborate and work together as a team; what happened? Many women have sabotaged each other in the history of women in politics.

So I honestly feel it’s time we stop playing the victim mentality and ensure we women team up and stand united, we should put aside our unhealthy competitiveness and differences and be our sisters keeper.

I also want to encourage professional women, women of virtue to bring their chairs to the table. Don’t forget that when it comes to voting, women are the ones who lineup in numbers. So, I’m advocating that women across board to kindly vote and support women vying elective positions.

We hold the dice so let’s stand united and say “otoge,” enough is a enough, we need to remember no one will handover power to us and when it comes to policy and crucial decisions making, nature has gifted us with stronger intuitions, we are the bedrock of our family.

Honestly, the underrepresentation of women in politics is often exacerbated by internal divisions. It is essential for women to unite, support each other, and overcome the victim mentality. By collaborating and backing women candidates, we can significantly increase our representation and influence in political spheres.

As the saying goes, “You build a woman, you build the nation.” Therefore, it is imperative for women to stand united and claim their rightful place in political decision-making.

What is the importance of local government autonomy in Nigeria?

Let’s think of government structure as a family. The federal government is the father, the state government is the mother, and the local governments are the children. In this analogy, there’s even a fourth tier, which is the traditional rulers. Focusing on the third tier—the local government—its autonomy is crucial for a thriving society.

Can you throw more light on why local government autonomy is so essential?

Alright, take the United States as an example, they have counties, states and a federal government. Their system works efficiently because of this structured autonomy. Citizens can address issues directly with their local government officials that will ensure swift resolution.

This model allows state governors to focus on broader developmental goals rather than being bogged down with local issues that don’t necessarily need their direct intervention. It’s about empowering each level of government to perform optimally, which ultimately benefits the community bottom-up.

How does this relate to the recent actions of President Tinubu taking the 36 states to court over local government autonomy?

The president’s decision is commendable.It shows commitment to constitutional provisions for local governments’ autonomy. This move is crucial for Nigeria’s progress as it aims to clarify and enforce the distribution of power among federal, state and local governments.

How do you think this legal action will impact on local governance in Nigeria?

If successful, it would reinforce the autonomy of local governments that would better resource control, management and eventual service delivery. It will allow community leaders to address their needs more effectively and allow governors to focus on larger-scale development projects. This approach can lead to a more efficient and responsive overall government.

You’ve had personal experience as a commissioner for local government in Kwara State,could you share some insights during your tenure?.

My appointment as commissioner for local government should be credited to Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq for his foresight, being a woman, it came with skepticism, I’ll always be grateful.

When I was appointed, it was seen as a less significant role. I was the laughingstock that night and I remember vividly responding on a WhatsApp platform that when the universe throws stones, you ensure you build a bridge.

Anyway that’s what you get with the right kind of women facing challenges that looks impossible, but we deliver once we take on our roles as the delivery species. However, I saw the potential and hit the ground running.

For example, when I took over, the ministry only had one Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) source struggling to generate a million Naira yearly.

In few months,we increased annual revenue from under N1 million to N10 million in three months by addressing leakages. You can now imagine how much to make in a year with optimized opportunities. Remember this is just one of many of the LGA’s IGR. The opportunities in local government are enormous.

Honestly, average local government can generate IGRs in billions of naira. Local government can stand independently without federal allocation if we have the political will to implement the needful. This experience showed that with proper management, local governments can significantly contribute to the state’s development.

Do you have advice for the state governments and the general public on this issue?

Supporting local government autonomy should not be seen as a loss of power by the state governments but as an enhancement of governance structure. Strong local governments mean more balanced and effective overall system.

To the public,I urge the public to support this cause because it secure better services and accountability at the local level. It’s about creating a government that is truly by the people and for the people.

What are your optimisms for local governance in Nigeria?

The only way out of the hole for Nigeria is bottom-up approach. I honestly can’t stop lauding our president for this bold moves. I hope to see a Nigeria where local governments are fully autonomous and capable of driving sustainable development. This means empowered local leaders, improved service delivery, and a vibrant, responsive democratic system that benefits all Nigerians.

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