Majestic Grace Embassy Storms Ifo,Sango – Ota For One Week Crusade

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Mohammed Shosanya

Majestic Grace Embassy International, Tenidire – Sango Ota, Ogun State will from Monday, March 25, 2024 begin its annual seven days of ‘The God of Performance’ crusade in Ifo and Sango – Ota, Ogun State.

The Ifo crusade with the theme, ‘ End of Afflictions ‘ will commence with a 2 – session programme at 8am and later 4pm on both Monday and Tuesday at Aribidesi Event Hall, Old Bank Bus stop, Ifo, Ogun State.

According to the Presiding Pastor of the Church, Dr. Grace Wisdom, the crusade train will on Wednesday move to the Church Sango – Ota headquarters, where the Wednesday and Thursday programme with the theme, ‘ Result for Result’, have been slated for 8am each day.

He added that as part of the activities lined up for the 7 – day crusade, a special vigil will hold at the Church new ultra – modern auditorium, located down Ajala Close, Sango – Ota, on Friday from 9pm, while the Saturday programme will kick – off from 4pm

” This year edition of our annual 7- day crusade has been specially designed for over 10,000 prophecies and testimonies of the prophetic declarations, miracles, deliverance, anointing, special prayer sessions and counselling”, said Dr. Wisdom

He said that the crusade will be rounded off with a special thanksgiving on Sunday, March 31, 2024 at the Church auditorium, Sango – Ota, Ogun State from 8am.

He assured that the special crusade with the Word of God that would be delivered through the Presiding Pastor, the series of miracles, prophecies and testimonies of the confirmation of the prophetic declarations during the 7 – day programme will, no doubt, impact positively on the spiritual growth and quality of life of the participants.

” This forthcoming crusade is what God has directed Majestic Grace Embassy International to use for the people to build a strong and sustainable spiritual life and also as an occasion to further pray for the family, the Church of God and the country to overcome its ongoing economic recession”, Dr. Wisdom said.

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