Nigeria-Taiwan Trade Volume Hits $1bn

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The Representative of Taiwan in Nigeria, Ambassador Yih-Ping Liu, has said that trade between Taiwan and Nigeria hit almost hit one billion dollars last year.

Yih-Ping Liu made the disclosure at an interactive session with journalists in Lagos on the  visit of the United States House of Representatives Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, to Taiwan.

Liu,said that Taiwan and Nigeria have many things in common,  expressed optimism that the trade pact between both countries would grow, adding: “Nigeria enjoys a good trade support from Taiwan.”

Speaking on the “strategic trade partnership with Nigeria, Liu said:
“We heavily rely on Nigeria’s agricultural products like Seseme seeds, chest-nuts and some other produce that we buy from Nigeria.  Nigeria has natural resources in terms of agriculture. We can rely on Nigeria’s produce for Taiwanese industries depending on the need.”

On the Nigeria-Taiwan economic trade relation, Liu said that “From the very beginning of the World Trade Organisation, Taiwan is a full member of the WTO,  now under the United Nations of which is Nigeria is also a member.”
According to him: “Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala realized that Taiwan is one of the strongest and top 20 trading economies in the world. We are in the WTO to support the world trade system and we follow all the regulations of the WTO, that is why Okonjo-Iweala depends so much on our cooperation.”

Liu spoke on how Nigeria and Taiwan can
move on with substantial international trade, saying : “Last year, we saw a 200 percent increase in trade volume. This year, we look forward to having a good trade relation with Nigeria.”

The Taiwanese envoy said that the “Taiwanese and Nigerian governments are still negotiating a revised agreement for protection of mutual investment, which is under the Ministry of Industry Trade and Investments and under Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic and Trade Representative Office, to negotiate and to renew that.

“It was done in 1994 and after nearly 30 years, we need to revise that. Nigerian and Taiwanese governments are still in a state of exchange for the version of draft.”

The second thing we need to celebrate, according to the envoy, is Nigeria’s Export-Import Bank and Taiwan’s Export-Import Bank that “has already set up a cooperation providing five million U.S. Dollars on both sides for traders who want to import or export products to each other, a trade guarantee loan.”

Confirming that the mechanism was set up early last year, Liu added: “The intention is to make a large loan guarantee and they will like to have an  MoU signed and they are looking forward to visiting Taiwan in a very short time from now.

“The Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) has already signed an MoU with Taiwanese Deposit Insurance Corporation in 2019.”

Liu said that “institution to institution relations have been going on smoothly for the facilitation of good trade promotion between the two nations,” adding: “This is to build more substantial and solid foundation for both sides to promote trade.his year, we are building a better cooperation with a trade association like NACCIMA. NACCIMA has already expressed interest to renew the cooperation with the association and one of our largest trade agencies in Taiwan.

“They have to renew the MoU because they have found out the Taiwan has the major source of reliable machinery that can provide for the Nigerian market in fair prices. We built last year with the Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry an MoU with our largest trade agency in Taiwan.

“Now, the Port Harcourt Chamber of Commerce has expressed the idea of signing an MoU with the Taiwanese trade agency. It’s not just for government to government. This is the actual trading association, of trade and industry from both sides.”

According to Liu” “As a government representation in Nigeria, our mandate is to facilitate anything that will be beneficial for trade and investment relations, so that both sides can understand themselves more on ways of doing things together.

“From the government side, we have quite a few of the agreements of the MoU to be discussed, and we are going to renew them.

“We do not have the natural resources but we focus on any business opportunity that will benefit us and the rest of the world. We have a lot to build on for Nigeria and Taiwan.” bv

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