Nominate Procurement Professional Into Board Of Ajaokuta Steel Project Special Purpose Trust Fund, Group Advises

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The CSO Coalition for the Revival of Ajaokuta, has advocated the need for procurement professional on the board of the proposed Ajaokuta Steel Project Special Purpose Trust Fund.

The group also suggested that the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply Chain Management of Nigeria,should be vested with the authority to nominate such seasoned procurement professional into the board.

In his recent memorandum to the public on the public hearing on the bill to establish the trust fund, the group’s  National Coordinator, Mohammed Bougei Attah, explained that he need for a procurement professional on the Board is vital as a means to assist in addressing procurement related corruption. 

According to him, procurement corruption accounts for over 70% of total corruption in the public sector. 

He added:”Therefore we must take all necessary steps in arresting these menace before they occur. 

Section 10 of the Draft Bill has proposed a removal from office by the President if found wanting on the basis of corruption and this is largely connected to procurement”.

Attah,who gave his blessing to the bill, punctured Section 12(1),which deals with powers of the trustees,saying it is ambiguous and should be stated clearly. 

He added:”For example, there are several laws in Nigeria that is associated with contract awards such as the Public Procurement Act 2007, the Presidential Executive Order 5 and others. It is therefore convenient to state that as provided for under relevant Nigerian laws”

He maintained that Section 14(2)(b) of the bill is vague, ambiguous and unclear which can give room for manipulation and eventual corruption. 

He said:”A position as important as “Executive Secretary” of a multinational organization such as Ajaokuta Special Trust Fund require a seasoned administrator, a professional in Finance, Procurement, Engineering and other related field. The term “Appropriate Person” will only give room for manipulation and therefore we recommend for its change as above”.

He faulted the definition of due process as  compliances with fiscal responsibility Act instant financial rules and regulations on public procurement of goods, works and services under Section 29 of the bill

He added:”The above definition is incomplete and vague. We suggest that it should read as the right interpretation “Due Process” means compliance with legal principles and provisions of the law. In this case, and as mentioned above under Section 12 of this Bill, it includes The Fiscal Responsibility Act, The Public Procurement Act, The Presidential Executive Order 5 and other relevant laws”.

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