A group, under the Public and Private Development Centre (PPDC) has entered into partnership with a PropTech outfit, Shelta to provide free legal services to 10,000 landlords in the country.
The initiative is part of a broader mission to ensure a better and more conducive relationship between landlords and tenants.
At the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Abuja, Co-founder and chief executive officer of Shelta Panacea Limited, Austin Igwe, described the partnership as crucial in bridging the legal gap between landlords and tenants in Nigeria.
“Nigeria remains one of the few countries in the world where tenants earn monthly but are forced to pay rent annually—a system that has historically led to huge rent deficits and countless court cases.
“So Shelta is not here to offer free legal services to the detriment of tenants. We are providing solutions to resolve disputes amicably.
“This strategic collaboration will provide comprehensive free litigation cover to landlords across the country—addressing persistent challenges related to tenant disputes that often cost an average of ₦500,000 per case,” he explained
He said: “In many cases, misunderstandings between landlords and tenants escalate due to a lack of proper legal guidance. Our role is to bridge that gap and ensure fairness on both sides.
“Shelta’s innovative approach addresses this challenge by offering flexible rental solutions that alleviate financial stress for tenants while ensuring stable income for landlords through its guaranteed annual rent payment model.
“With PPDC’s extensive experience in justice sector interventions, this partnership is a crucial step to promoting fair and transparent dispute resolution.”
Speaking, PPDC’s chief executive officer, Lucy James Abagi, emphasised that the initiative aims to address landlord-tenant disputes and improve access to justice.
Abagi noted that the partnership aligns with PPDC’s ongoing Access to Justice programme, which she added has been providing pro bono legal aid to over 9,000 Nigerians .
She said: “PPDC has always been committed to ensuring access to justice for all, particularly for vulnerable and marginalised groups. This collaboration with Shelta Panacea allows us to extend our expertise beyond the criminal justice space to civil disputes, ensuring that landlords who may otherwise struggle with prolonged legal battles can access professional legal representation at no cost.
“PPDC will oversee the recruitment and supervision of legal professionals, ensuring fair remuneration and efficient legal support.”