7 months ago
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Chima Ajjoku

To dream simply refers to the ability to imagine and think about something you would like to happen. There are (2) kinds of dreams, they one you have at night while asleep and the one you have day time with your consciousness. The dream I am concerned about is the second and not the first.

That is why “T.E. Lawrence stated: “All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night ….wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are very dangerous men for they may act their dream with open eyes,to make it possible “.


It is important for you to have a dream because of the following reasons:
1. It helps you to stay focused.
2. It gives you a reason for living (purpose)
3. You can only become what you dream of.
4. It gives you hope
5. It propels and sustains you.
6. It brings out your potentials.

You must realize that ” you as are not permitted to feature in a future you cannot picture.” It is therefore important for you to have a dream. Let me equally say that your dream should be big and outstanding, not just ordinary. It is infact a dream in the first place because it is unique and outstanding; otherwise you would just be another mediocre.

There are (4) stages to getting results with your dream. They are:
STAGE 1: Have a dream.
STAGE 2: Plan and strategize
STAGE 3: Move to execute it.
STAGE 4: You get the desired results.

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