Nnamdi Kanu’s Life Will Be At Risk In 2024-Pastor Akiode

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Mohammed Shosanya

A Nigerian cleric, Akiode Olusegun,says the life of proscribed IndIgenous People of Biafra (IPOB’s) leader, Nnamdi Kanu, will be in grave danger in 2024.

Akiode,the Senior Pastor of the Divine Army Ministries International,who said this during a programme at his Church where he released ‘prophecy for 2024.’,disclosed that he saw prosperity in Nigeria during the coming year.

He declared what he claimed the Lord also showed him about the President Bola Tinubu, First Lady Oluremi Tinubu, Oba of Lagos, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK], the United States, India, Arabs, and China.

The prophecy titled: “Nigeria: Land of Prospects and Envy – 2024 in retrospect,” are itemised below:

1. The forces behind the Ocean is asking his Royal Majesty Oba of Lagos, Oba Riliwanu Akinolu for something. He should move quickly.

2. The Lord showed that Oba Akinolu made a vow before 2023 election. The Lord says he should remember and pay his vows.

3. Mrs Tinubu will not be ill. There is something between the chest region afflicting her. This strong woman should not be weakened by the forces for supporting and standing behind her husband.

4. Chief Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of IPOB is in a dilemma. I saw rope around his neck but God averted this. There are some people who do not want the man to be released especially those shouting that he should be released.

5. Caution On Mazi Kanu: There is a clever move by some powerful Nigerians to block the release of chief Kanu. The most skillful of them is a Northern politician, extremely intelligent and very powerful man who is not presently happy with Asiwaju Tinubu. Asiwaju is cool and wise. Mazi Kanu must not be silenced the way Chief Abiola was wasted.

This will bring an orgy of death and pandemonium to Yorubaland which some people wanted.
Release Mazi Kanu latest Easter period 2024, and change his location to give him protection.

6. The Master key of Nigeria was placed in the President Tinubu hands by the Heavens.

7. There is a tree of longevity assigned to this government which if taken religiously, average governor or president or any one will live up to 96 years.

8. I saw the Hosts of Heaven come down to axe the enemies of Nigeria. The Asiwaju Tinubu government will prevail and succeed.

9. The United States will try to drown Asiwaju Tinubu by subtle schemes that will drown him personally because he is determined to bring Nigeria out of poverty.

10. The Lord ask me to caution the President Asiwaju Tinubu about the Arabs who feel Nigeria is a filthy and wealthy nation and very perfidious and must be brutally submitted as a slave.

11. The Lord said this government must be careful of the deals they are signing with China.

12. This government must feed the primary and secondary school pupils in government school once a day to make this government have heavenly pity and support says the Lord.

13. Almond Trees be planted all over Nigeria. It is the tree of prosperity ruling over Lagos in 60s and 70s but drying out of Nigeria now. In the North, Dongoyaro trees be replanted.

14. The Government of Lagos must albeit the Federal Government must release 50,000 white dove or pigeon to bring down the heavenly dove to eat the beast and the serpent and the ravenous beast attacking the future of our youth and fatherland.

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