NERC Enforces Accident Penalties

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 Mohammed Shosanya
The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has declared a zero-tolerance policy for accidents within the Nigeria Electricity Supply Industry (NESI) operational network.
Dafe Akpeneye, NERC Commissioner, Legal, Licencing & Compliance,who disclosed this  during the second peer review meeting with Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI) Licensees’ enforcement and compliance officers, expressed the  agency’s dedication to ensuring safety and preventing accidents within the electricity sector, Akpeneye stated that every life is valuable.
He said,numerous electricity-related accidents and safety hazards that have been recorded in recent times, are avoidable.
He enjoined market operators must report accidents related to vandalism to NERC.
He added: “As a Commission, we have taken a zero-tolerance approach, we want accidents to stop because every life matters to us.”
“Sometimes, compensation for accident victims’ costs more than what it will cost to rectify the problem.
He implored  the licensees to overhaul their institutional culture towards safety and avoidance of accidents, which he said is fundamental to the safety of workers and people around network areas.
He said:“There can’t be attitudinal change without effort, we need an overhaul of our institutional culture because no matter what frameworks or strategies we put in place, if the culture does not change, nothing will change.”
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