How We’ve Added Value To Aiyepe Communities’

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ACDC President Believes YOBO Is Capable for the Job – Ogunspeaks Magazine
The  chairman of Aiyepe Area Community Development Community Development Committee (ACDC),Olaseni Kasumu,has scored his administration high,saying it has added value to the growth of Aiyepe in Odogbolu local government area of Ogun state.
He spoke at this year’s Aiyepe Day,where he expressed his team’s commitment to the growth of Aiyepe.
He said his team have been able to clear the drainages, ensure free flow of water to avoid flood,cut protruding trees on  the roads as well as  played its  part by facilitating the coming back of the Gateway Polytechnic, Aiyepe campus.
He also said his team  have  ensured we create an enabling environment of learning for students of this prestigious institution.
He added:Furthermore, we have refurbished the toilets of Aiyepe Comprehensive High School. We also employed and paid two security guards watching over the comprehensive high school. We remain grateful to the Aiyepe society UK/ IRELAND that has graciously refurbished the Aiyepe library with good books and has employed a librarian as well.
“Within the health sector, we are currently building an ultra modern health center, which is at lintel stage. We hope to achieve more within the health sector in Aiyepe as time goes by. Health is wealth as the maxim says and we believe a healthy population helps breed a motivated and succesful people who will always strive to aim high and achieve commendable exploits in various walks of life.”
He also said  his team  have put in place speed breakers and caution road signs to avoid over speeding and also secure lives and properties.
It organized a back to school outreach, targeted at encouraging and promoting education amongst Aiyepe school pupils and in line with our sustainable developmental goals.
It also gave  exercise books to pupils in our primary, secondary and private schools in Aiyepe and successfully boosted security by involving the Aiyepe society UK/ Ireland in lightning up Aiyepe with solar street lights.
He added:”We have also involved the Aiyepe society in the USA, by ensuring they purchased walkie talkies for our security personnel’s and also bought us a motor bike to facilitate our operations.In addition to these laudable achievements and in order to further beef up the security apparatus of our town, Aiyepe society in the USA are supporting us with a whooping sum of money every month to compliment the efforts of some prominent sons of Aiyepe who have been my pillar of support, with whom I have been able to finance and keep the Aiyepe Security apparatus functional.
“With all hands on deck, we can achieve more because a lot remains to be done.
I must mention at this juncture, that the constant and unflinching support of distinguished Aiyepe son’s and daughters has made my team and I achieve this much within this relatively short period.
This administration is using this medium in expressing it’s profound appreciation to everyone who contributed immensely to the success of this occasion
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