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Who Is This Israel?

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By Femi Fani-Kayode



“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet and to know that I have loved thee” – Revelations 3:9.




There can be no doubt that the scripture above is referring to the Zionists and fake Jews who currently make up the State of Israel.





Worse still in John 8:44 Jesus actually referred to these fake Jews as “the children of the devil”.




The Book of Revelations says that they are of “the Synagogue of Satan” and that “they claim to be Jews but are not”.





Jeremiah 23:3-8 compounds the point by telling us that when Jesus returns He Himself will gather the real Israelites back to Israel.






Despite what people believe this great event has not yet taken place and the so-called establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was not the one sanctioned or envisaged by God and the Holy Bible.





This begs the question, if the Israel of today is not the one envisioned and promised by the Holy Bible then who and what exactly is it and for whose purpose was it established, God’s or satan’s?





Who and what is this boastful, vain, calamitous and fatherless monstrosity that boastfully flies the Star of David and that has brought so much havoc to the world?





Who and what is this strange, arrogant, cantankerous, overbearing and belligerent entity that falsely lays claim to being a divine resurrection of the Biblical Promise Land but is instead a torment to its neighbours and an ugly scar to the world?





These are questions for another day but what can be said for now and hardly disputed is the following.






In view of its racist laws and disposition and the monumental carnage and horror that it has visited on the innocent and defenceless women and children of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon over the last one year and given the heinous crimes that it has subjected the Palestinians to over the last 76 years, the Israel of today can best be described as a vicious, bestial and callous ethno-supremacist, fascist, apartheid state that has no right to exist.





It is also a citadel of religious bigotry and extremism and a repugnant and repulsive repository and sewer of the most insidious and vicious form of Zionist propaganda and Jewish proselysation.





It is an evil and genocidal entity whose intention is to eliminate and eradicate every single Arab man, woman and child in the Arab Gulf and all the nations and territories that exist between Egypt and Iran and forcefully occupy their land.






If Nazi Germany forfeited the right to exist as a consequence of the Holocaust perpetuated against the Jews before and during World War 11 why should Israel not forfeit the same right for doing precisely the same thing to the Palestinians 80 years later?





For those who dispute the fact that apartheid is alive and well in Israel I urge them to consider the words of Gideon Levi, a highly celebrated and respected Israeli journalist, who said the following at the Oxford Union a few years ago.





“I am an Israeli. I was born in Israel. I am even perceived to be an Israeli patriot. I care about Israel. I belong to Israel and I am attached to Israel. Don’t speak about symmetry because there is no symmetry.





I would even suggest there is no conflict. Was there a French-Algerian conflict?





There was a brutal French occupation in Algeria which came to its end. There is no Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There is a brutal Israeli occupation which must come to an end one way or the other. In our dark backyard there is a regime that today is by far one of the most cruel brutal, tyrannies on earth. Not less than this.




I know what I say because I covered it for 40 years and this regime cannot but be defined as apartheid. Two peoples live in one piece of land and one people has all the rights in the world and





I am talking only of the occupied territories. Two people share one piece of land there. One people has all the rights in the world, the other people has no rights whatsoever. It looks like apartheid, it talks like apartheid and it is apartheid. Nobody can contradict it: nobody who has been there and nobody who is fair enough to look.





Go to the Jordan valley, see their prosperity in the settlements and then go and see the Palestinians who live there with no electricity, without water, without any rights and then tell me if it’s apartheid or you might invent it another title.





When I steal your car I am not in a position to put conditions in returning the car. First of all return the car and the only way to return the car is by giving EQUAL RIGHTS TO THE PALESTINIANS”.





If there are still any righteous and God-fearing men left in Israel, Gideon Levy, who is a regular contributor on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict on CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera, is one of them. It takes courage to swim against the tide and speak truth to power when you are a Jew that still lives in Tel Aviv. Kudos to him.





Many talk about the frightful and horrific events of October 7th when the Al Qassam Brigade, the armed wing of the Palestinian resistance movement known as Hamas, struck a devastating retaliatory blow against their oppressors, killed over 1000 Jews including women and children and abducted over 200 others yet they conveniently forget that Israel struck the first blow in 1948 by killing over 700,000 innocent and defenceless Palestinians, including women and children, and displacing over one million and taking over their homes during the infamous Nakba!





Worst still ever since that time and for the last 76 years hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank have been murdered by Israeli security forces and armed right wing militant settlers, tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children have been illegally detained in Israeli prisons whilst Gaza, a tiny strip of land of over 2.5 million Palestinians sandwiched between Israel and the sea was turned into the world’s largest and most degrading concentration camp second only to Auschwitz by the Zionists!






As if that were not harrowing enough let us consider the fact that well over 60,000 civilians, most of whom are still buried below the rubble and three quarters of whom are women and children, have been killed in Gaza by the Israeli Defence Force in the last one year alone !






85,000 tons of explosives have been dropped on Gaza by the Israeli Defence Force in the same period and 75% of buildings and infrastructures have been blown up and flattened.






In addition to that ALL of the universities and 95% of schools have been destroyed together with all but one of the thirteen hospitals. Simply put there is no Gaza left!






Women,children, infants, babies, students, aid workers, refugees, nurses, doctors, teachers, lecturers, UN officials, hospitals, university campuses, churches, mosques, refugee camps and virtually every other structure and living thing in the strip have not been spared.



A few days ago CNN reported the following:



“According to the Committee to Protect Journalists and Reporters Without Borders at least 128 journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war, nearly all of them Palestinian media workers in Gaza killed as a result of Israeli airstrikes. Some of the journalists died while wearing protective gear identifying them as members of the press. Multiple news organizations and free press groups have accused the Israeli military of deliberately targeting journalists.”





One would have thought that the mass slaughter of their colleagues alone if nothing else would have moved the Western media agencies to report the events in Gaza and now Lebanon in a more factual, balanced and objective manner but they have refused to do so and instead continue to cover up the heinous war crimes and crimes against humanity that Israel is indulging in with such impunity.




Those that applaud the barbaric, inhuman and callous actions of the Zionists in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iran forget that after the Zionists have finished killing everyone in the Middle East and establishing their ‘Greater Israel’ at the expense of Arab, Muslim and Christian lives, they will seek to subjugate, destroy and bend the rest of the global South to their will.





This is a challenge that we must prepare for and now is the time to build the necessary global, military and regional alliances to resist and thwart it whenever it comes.






Yet the establishment of a ‘Greater Israel’ is not enough for the Zionists: what they really aspire to achieve is the total and complete capitulation and domination of the entire world, the eradication of all of the great faiths including Islam and Christianity and the enthronement of world Jewry.






For them this quest borders on an obsession. It is their ultimate and long term objective and those that doubt it should read the Talmud and the Torah.






They should also read a major literary work known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which, contrary to the lie that many Jewish and Western historical revisionists have been peddling and propagating for years in an attempt to cover up what is clearly an evil intent, was NOT a fake document.





Quite apart from that the unspeakable atrocities that have been committed by the rogue Zionist state over the last one year confirms the assertion that the greatest mistake that the world ever made was to allow the State of Israel to be re-established in 1948.





What was essentially an act of charity and kindness borne out of pity and guilt on the part of the Allied Powers after World War 11 may well be the catalyst to World War 111 today and could lead to the utter destruction of humanity.


This is indeed food for thought.




Going forward many are beginning to question the right of Israel to exist let alone defend herself.





Does an alien invader, an occupier of other people’s land, an ethnic cleanser and a murderous hegemon have the right to continue to rob, subjugate, oppress, butcher and slaughter the indegenous landowners?





Does having white skin and European origins confer on the Ashkazi Jews the right to wreak havoc on the Palestinians, the Arabs and the entire Middle East?





Are the Jews really a master race that are above all others, that are above international law and that can do no wrong?





Was President Emmanuel Macron of France not right when he said that the West should stop supplying arms and lethal weapons to Israel?





Is it not time for the United States of America, who are clearly complicit in Israel’s genocide, to regain its sovereignty and independence from AIPAC, the State of Israel and the Jewish lobby in their country?





Is it not time for them to review their rabidly pro-Israel policy and join the rest of the civilised world?





These are pertinent questions which must be answered at the soonest.






This is especially so given the fact that 80% of Israelis have rejected the idea of a two state solution and believe that the Palestinians are sub-human creatures that deserve to continue to live in subjugation and bondage.





In case we are in any doubt about just how perverse, depraved and out of touch with reality most Americans are when it comes to Israel we should consider the words of Gov. Tim Walz who is the running mate to Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming American presidential






During the Vice Presidential debate with Senator J. D. Vance last week he said,”The expansion of Israel is an absolute necessity for the United States”.





Whilst the civilised world is calling for restraint, a ceasefire, a cessation of hostilities and a peaceful resolution of the crisis many in America are calling for an expansion of Israel’s borders and the establishment of Netanyahu’s dream of a Greater Israel! That can hardly be the way forward.





Those that still doubt the Zionist quest for a Greater Israel would do well to consider the words of Bezalel Smoritch, the Israeli Finance Minister, who said the following,“I openly declare that we want a Jewish state that includes Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon”.





They should also consider the words of Israeli Heritage Minister Amichi Eliyahu who suggested that a nuclear bomb be dropped on Gaza and that the few Palestinians that may survive it should be driven into the Sinai desert!






Again they should reflect on the words of Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamer Ben Givr, who has been convicted by the Israeli courts on terrorism charges on several occasions and who said,“My right, my wife’s, my children’s, to roam the roads of Judea and Samaria (meaning the West Bank) are more important than the right of movement of the Arabs. This is the reality and that’s the truth. My right for life comes before their right to movement.”





On other occasions Ben Givr has said even more outrageous things like calling for the storming and destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem which happens to be Islam’s second most sacred and most famous mosque in order to make way for the building of a Jewish temple on the same spot and he has also called for the summary execution of all Palestinian prisoners and detainees in Israeli prisons in order to make space for others!.





On Gaza he said the following,“We cannot withdraw from the Gaza Strip. Not only do I not rule out Jewish settlement there, I believe it is also an important thing. The war presents an opportunity to concentrate on encouraging the migration of the residents of Gaza. In my view such a policy is correct, just, moral and humane solution”.





He went on to say that of the 2.5 million Palestinians that live in Gaza, 25,000 each should be dispersed and deported to 100 different countries all over the world and any that are left should be thrown into the sea!.



One wonders what type of heartless creature this individual is.




Finally,the skeptics and naysayers should also ponder on the fact that Israeli military snipers openly and consistently target Palestinian children and babies for elimination in Gaza and they should consider the words of Meirav Ben-Ari, a female Member of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) who said “the children of Gaza brought this upon themselves” and asserted that they “deserve what they were getting”.






I could list many more examples of the mindless and callous words and disposition of the Zionist leaders which clearly illustrate their desire to wipe out not just the Palestinians but all the Arabs in order to make way for the Greater Israel but for the purposes of this contribution the few that I have cited will suffice.





Needless to say,given their collective mindset, I have no doubt that Oliver Stone, the great American film producer, was absolutely right when he said that having met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on one occassion he had come to the conclusion that he was totally and completely insane.






I have little doubt that we can safely arrive at the same conclusion when we consider the mental and psychological disposition of Smotrich, Ben Givr, Eliyahu, Ben-Ari and virtually every other member of Netanyahu’s cabinet and leading military commanders.





They are all blood-crazed, blood- thirsty psychopaths who are as mad as a hatter and who deserve to be confined to a mental institution!.






At this juncture permit me to express my complete and utter disgust at the way in which Israel has conducted itself over the last one year and I make bold to proclaim that a nation of ethnic cleansers, child killers and genocidal maniacs cannot possibly be victorious in any conflict.



It is only a matter of time before they are brought to their knees.





In this respect the words of a BBC reporter reporting from Tel Aviv just a few days ago are instructive. He said,“No one has hope for the future here. Many professionals are leaving Israel and many residents are going bankrupt. The war is expanding every day and its continuation increases the despair of the Israelis day by day.”






Equally enlightening are the words of leading Israeli political commentators and media houses themselves who have evidently seen the handwriting on the wall and who are living in trepidation of the future and the consequences of the horrendous blood-drenched path that their Prime Minister has chosen to tread.



Three examples will suffice.


A few days ago Sher Hever, a leading political economist who grew up in Israel, said the following:




“Israel’s genocide in Gaza also threatens its own survival. Any regime that commits genocide also commits suicide.There is no coming back from it and this is what Israelis are seeing for themselves”.




His insight is commendable and second to none.





On their part,Haarezt, which is one of the leading and most influential newspaper houses in Israel wrote the following in its editorial.





“Netanyahu led Israel into the worst year and the worst war in its history. And it’s not even over. History will not judge Benjamin Netanyahu as a righteous crusader leading the West in a holy war against Islamofascism, as he sees himself. Instead it will regard him as the inept politician who blindly led Israel to October 7th and all the debacles that folllowed”.






Finally,in an article titled ‘Israel Takes Its Last Breath’ written a few days ago for Haarezt by Ari Shavit, a famous Zionist columnist, the author penned the following:



“It seems we have passed the point of no return and Israel may no longer be able to end the occupation, stop the colonization, and achieve peace. It seems that it is no longer possible to reform Zionism, save democracy, or unite the people in this country”.



He goes on:



“There’s no point in living in this country anymore. There’s no point in writing in Haarezt. There’s no point in reading Haarezt. We must do what Rogel Alpher suggested two years ago which is to leave the country. If ‘Israelism’ and Judaism are no longer vital parts of one’s identity and if every Israeli citizen holds a foreign passport not only in a technical sense but also psychologically, it’s over. It’s time to say goodbye to friends and move to San Francisco, Berlin, or Paris”.



He goes further by saying:


“We must step back and watch the democratic Jewish state sink. Maybe the issue hasn’t been resolved yet. Maybe we haven’t yet passed the point of no return. Maybe there’s still a chance to end the occupation, stop colonization, reform Zionism, save democracy, and divide the land”.



He concludes by saying:


“It appears that we are dealing with one of the toughest people in history and the only solution is to give them their rights and end the occupation”.



Sher Hever,the Editorial Board of Haarezt and Ari Shavid reflect the thinking and share the fears of millions in Israel today and have said it all.





With sentiments like this being voiced in the apartheid state there may well be hope after all and the darkness that Benjamin Netanyahu represents may well be swept away from power from within.





Let us hope that this is the case because the alternative is a grave one for the State of Israel and may result in her being wiped off the face of the earth.





The truth is that if anyone represents an existential threat to Israel it is not Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Arabs, Iran or the Palestinians but rather it is Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet of delusional and psychotic right wing fanatics who are hell bent on provoking a regional war which their nation cannot possibly survive let alone win.




Permit me to conclude with the following.




Giorgus Mitralias, a Greek journalist, a founding member of the Greek Committee Against Debt and a member of the CADTM network wrote the following in an essay titled ‘When Israel’s accomplices accustoms us to a monstrous, heartless and inhuman world’.




He said:“Almost a year ago we wrote that one of the aims of Netanyahu and his acolytes was to accustom us to a world that increasingly resembles a jungle where only the law of the strongest reigns and where the worst atrocities against the weakest are permitted!.





“Today, after twelve months of atrocities and crimes that often surpass the imagination, we can say that the Zionist state is accustoming us to something much more serious: perversity, mass sadism and indiscriminate, unrestrained violence against civilians, which are tolerated, recognized and even accepted as “normal” behavior by those above! This bestialises not only those who commit these unspeakable crimes but also all those who tolerate and encourage them, pretending not to see!”




Giorgus has spoken the bitter truth: the world has indeed lost its compassion and humanity.


 May God deliver us all.




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