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Rights Violation: Court Orders Republic Of Benin To Pay Igboho 20m CFA

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Mohammed Shosanya

The Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS),in Abuja, has ordered the government of the Republic of Benin to pay Yoruba nation activist Chief Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, a sum of 20 million CFA within three months for unlawful detention and violation of his fundamental human rights.

The court ruled that the government of the Republic of Benin must ensure that the money is paid to Adeyemo in three months, starting from the day the judgment to that effect is delivered.

The court announced this in a unanimous judgment delivered by Justices Gberi-Bé Ouattara, Sengu M. Koroma, and Ricardo Claúdio Monteiro GONÇALVES, in matter marked: ECW/CCJ/APP/15/22 Chief Sunday Adeyemo (aka Sunday Igboho) vs. Republic of Benin.

It further ordered the Francophone country to comply with its order to pay 20 million CFA to Adeyemo within three months and also report back to the court with the evidence of payment.

The verdict was sequel to the application brought before the court by Adeyemo against the defendant (Benin Republic), challenging his arrest and detention in the French-speaking country on July 21, 2021.

It was filed before the ECOWAS Court in Abuja, on February 10, 2022.

According to the court documents, “Orders sought wherefore Chief Adeyemo prays for the following from this Honourable Court: 1 “Pursuant to Article 59 of Rules of Procedure, an expedited procedure and hearing regarding the imprisonment and release of Chief Adeyemo;

“…2)An Order for the immediate and unconditional release of Chief Adeyemo, along with his Nigerian passport, pending litigation and determination of damages, and (3) Such orders as this honourable court may deem fit.”

Igboho and his wife Ropo were arrested on July 20, 2021, in Cotonou, Benin Republic, and detained at the request of the Nigerian government.

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