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Nigerian Children At  Severe Risk Of Climate Change-UNICEF

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The United Nations Children Education Fund(UNICEF),has said young Nigerians are among those that would be severely affected by the ongoing global climate change.
The agency,in its latest report,said the  health, education and protection of young Nigerians would be affected by the climate change.
The report Nigeria ranked second among these countries, together with Chad, and just after the Central African Republic.
It   found Nigerian children are highly exposed to air pollution and coastal floods, but also that investments in social services, particularly child health, nutrition and education can make a significant difference in the  ability to safeguard their futures from the impacts of climate change.
Launched in collaboration with Fridays for Future on the third anniversary of the youth-led global climate strike movement, the report finds approximately 1 billion children nearly half the world’s 2.2 billion children live in one of the 33 countries classified as “extremely high-risk”.
Peter Hawkins, UNICEF Nigeria Representative said, the climate crisis is a child’s rights crisis.
 He added:“Nigeria is not immune to the effects of climate change, but we can act now to prevent it from becoming worse. We need to  invest in the services children depend on to survive and thrive such as water, healthcare and education to protect their futures from the impacts of a changing climate and degrading environment.”
The report also reveals a disconnect between where greenhouse gas emissions are generated, and where children are enduring the most significant climate-driven impacts.
The 33 extremely high-risk countries – including Nigeria – collectively emit just 9 per cent of global CO2 emissions. Conversely, the 10 highest emitting countries collectively account for nearly 70 per cent of global emissions. Only one of these countries is ranked as ‘extremely high-risk’ in the index.
“The frightening environmental changes we are seeing across the planet are being driven by a few but experienced by many,” said Peter Hawkins. “Children know climate change is a threat to their future, and they are calling on world leaders to act. So far, too little has been done, but we still have time. We must urgently reduce greenhouse gas emissions and work as a global community to build a better world for all children.”
The agency implored governments, businesses and relevant actors to increase investment in climate adaptation and resilience in key services for children as well as  protect children, communities and the most vulnerable from the worst impacts of the already changing climate.
It reasoned that critical services must be adapted, including water, sanitation and hygiene systems, health and education services and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
It said in order to  avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis, comprehensive and urgent action is required.
“Countries must cut their emissions by at least 45% (compared to 2010 levels) by 2030 to keep warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius”, it added
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